1st CFP: Artificial Societies for Ambient Intelligence

Kostas Stathis kostas at cs.rhul.ac.uk
Mi Okt 18 16:55:44 CEST 2006

            (Please accept our apologies for cross-posting)

                     C A L L  F O R  P A P E R S

     Symposium on Artificial Societies for Ambient Intelligence

                        to be held at the
                   AISB Convention, Newcastle, UK
                          2-5 April 2007

In this one-day Symposium we would like to explore the application and
development of agent societies for Ambient Intelligence (AmI), and use 
this framework to relate existing work on areas such as the semantic 
web, cognitive and social agents, and ambient and ubiquitous 
technologies. We also hope to present current research in the area of 
agent societies for AmI, where human activities are supported by social 
organisations of agents, computing devices or both.

Submission Deadline: 8 January 2007

For details visit: http://asami07.cs.rhul.ac.uk/

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