SEA'07: Software Engineering for Answer Set Programming

Torsten Schaub torsten at
Di Okt 24 09:00:00 CEST 2006

[Apologies if you receive multiple copies]



Co-located workshop of the 9th International Conference on Logic Programming
and Non-monotonic Reasoning (LPNMR-07)
Tempe, AZ, USA May 14-16 2007

Over  the last ten  years Answer  Set Programming  (ASP) has  grown from  a pure
theoretical knowledge representation and  reasoning formalism to a computational
approach  with a very  strong formal  backing. At  present, ASP  is seen  as the
computational embodiment of  non-monotonic reasoning incorporating techniques of
databases, knowledge  representation, logic and constraint  programming. ASP has
become an appealing  tool for knowledge representation and  reasoning and thanks
to the  increasing efficiency of the  implementations of ASP  solvers, the field
has now started to tackle the first industrially relevant applications.

Writing complex programs in any language is  not an easy task, with ASP being no
exception. Most of the modern popular programming languages have an abundance of
tools  and  development  methodologies  to  facilitate and  improve  the  coding
process. Given  the differences in  for example language design,  execution, and
application  domains  for   languages  such  as  Java  and   C++,  the  existing
methodologies  and tools that  are available  are mostly  not suitable  for ASP.
Therefore development tools  and software engineering methodologies specifically
designed for ASP are required.

This workshop aims to bring together researchers who are currently working on or
are  interested   in  the  development  of  dedicated   tools,  techniques,  and
methodologies to facilitate the development of answer set programs.


Authors are invited to submit  original research or system description papers on
software engineering tools or techniques for answer set programming.
The list of topics of interest includes but is not limited to:

- Modelling tools
- (Domain Specific) Front and/or Back-ends
- Methodologies
- Debuggers
- (Graphical) User Interfaces
- Integrated Development Environment (IDE)
- Software engineering metrics

Workshop co-chairs

Marina De Vos, University of Bath, UK (mdv at
Torsten Schaub, University of Potsdam, (torsten at 

Program Committee

Tommi Syrjanen, Helsinki University of Technology, Finland
Enrico Pontelli, New Mexico State University, US
Tran Cao Son, New Mexico State University, US
Stefan Woltran, Technical University of Vienna, Austria
Martin Brain, University of Bath, UK
Richard Watson, Texas Tech University, US
Wolfgang Faber, University of Calabria, Italy
Ken Satoh, National Institute of Informatics, Japan
Yan Zhang, University of Western Sydney, Australia

Submission Details

Submitted articles will undergo peer-review. 

The  paper must  be in  Springer LNCS  format and  must not  exceed 15  pages in
total. Submission should be sent as  a pdf to both workshop chairs. Formal paper
proceedings will be  available during the conference and  will also be published

Important Dates
Paper Submission: 8 February 2007
Paper Acceptance/Rejection Notification: 12 March 2007
Camera Ready Papers: 20 April 2007

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