Workshop announcement

Camilla Schwind Camilla.Schwind at
Sa Apr 28 07:37:52 CEST 2007



Tableaux'2007 Workshop

July 3, 2007 Aix-en-Provence
Aims and Scope

Over the recent years, the agent paradigm gained popularity, due to its 
applicability to many domains, from search engines to educational aids 
to electronic commerce and trade, e-procurement, recommendation systems, 
simulation and routing, to cite only some. Multi-Agent Systems are 
systems composed of multiple interacting problem-solving entities known 
as agents. They perceive and act upon their environments to achieve 
individual as well as joint goals. The work on such systems integrates 
many technologies and concepts in artificial intelligence and other 
areas of computer science. Logic provides a well-defined, general, and 
rigorous framework for studying syntax, semantics and procedures for 
individual agents and multi-agent systems. The predominant approach for 
reasoning about multiagent systems has been modal logics. They are 
especially suited as a tool for a formal description of agents. They 
have widely been used to characterize mental states of agents and their 
interaction. On the other hand, analytic tableaux are one of the 
favorite proof methods for modal logics. Therefore it seems that modal 
logic is on the cross roads of agents and tableaux theorem proving. The 
objective of this workshop is to bring together these two communities: 
agent community and tableaux community. In particular, the purposes of 
this workshop are:

   * to present research, based on tableaux and aimed at representing, 
programming and reasoning   about agents and multi-agent systems in a 
formal way
   * to promote tableaux for multi-agent systems
   * to compare and evaluate existing formalisms,
   * to identify the most important open problems and research questions and
   * to identify possibilities of solution transfer between the two domains.
Relevant topics include, but are not limited to

   * logical foundations of (multi-)agent systems
   * modal logic approaches to (multi-)agent systems
   * non-monotonic reasoning in (multi-)agent systems
   * agent and multi-agent hypothetical reasoning and learning
   * theory and practice of argumentation for agent reasoning and 
   * knowledge and belief representation and updates in (multi-)agent 
   * model checking algorithms, tools, and applications for 
(multi-)agent logics
   * semantics of interaction and agent communication languages
   * temporal reasoning for (multi-)agent systems
   * distributed theorem proving for multi-agent systems
   * logic-based implementations of (multi-)agent systems
   * specification and verification of interaction protocols in 
(multi-)agent systems
Submission Details

The goal of this workshop is to enhance cooperation between participants 
with an agent background and the tableaux community. Contributors should 
be willing to interact between the different workshop areas. The 
programm committee will care to have a balanced number of participants 
from the different areas concerned. To encourage an atmosphere 
appropriate for a workshop, we plan to:

   * have a 15 mn discussion at the end of each session,
   * have a panel on future directions of logic and tableaux proving for 
agent systems
   * have system demos
Submission format

We welcome short papers (max 4 pages), describing projects or ongoing 
research and long papers (max. 8 pages), that relate more established 

Important Dates

Submission: May 1, 2007
Notification: June 5, 2007
Final version due: June 15, 2007
Workshop: July 3, 2007
Programm Committee

   * Leila Amgoud, IRIT, Toulouse, France
   * Juergen Dix, Technische Universitaet Clausthal, Germany
   * Thomas Eiter, Technische Universitaet Wien, Austria
   * Laura Giordano, Universita del Piemonte orientale, Alessandria, 
Italy laura at
   * Marc-Philippe Huget, LISTIC, Universite de Savoie, Annecey, France
   * John-Jules Meyer, Universiteit Utrecht, Netherlands
   * Camilla Schwind, LIF CNRS, Universite de la Mediterranee, 
Marseille, France
   * Cees Witteveen, Technical University Delft, The Netherlands

Dr. Camilla Schwind
20, avenue Pierre Bouze
F-13009 Marseille
Tel: +33 (0)4 91 41 26 40
Tel: +33 (0)6 86 98 97 03 (Handy)
Fax: +33 (0)4 91 82 92 75

e-mail: Camilla.Schwind at
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