Update: Durham Agents 2007 participation

Rafael H Bordini R.Bordini at durham.ac.uk
Mi Aug 15 17:23:01 CEST 2007


                        Durham Agents 2007


   MALLOW'007 - Multi-Agent Logics, Languages, and Organisations
                Federated Workshops


     EASSS'07 - 9th European Agent Systems Summer School


                       Durham University, UK
               27th August - 7th of September, 2007


MALLOW update:
- Due to available places in the lecture rooms booked for the
    invited talks, there are only a few places left to register
    for MALLOW. If you are planning to attend and have not
    registered yet, you should do so ASAP.
- For various admin reasons, the last date to register to
    attend MALLOW will be 27/Aug/2007 (if there are places left).
    We won't be able to accept any further registrations after
    that date.
- MALLOW will have invited talks by Munindar Singh, Wiebe van
    der Hoek, and Dave Robertson.
- Each MALLOW workshop has published on the web the list of
    accepted papers. If you are considering attending MALLOW,
    just follow the links to the individual workshops' web pages
    to check their programme.

EASSS update:
- Due to various admin reasons, the last date to register to
    attend EASSS'07 will be 20/Aug/2007. We won't be able to
    accept any further registrations after that date.
- Thanks to EPSRC-UK support, we have 100 grants of GBP 50
    each to help defray the costs of registration. If you are a
    PhD student and your travel is sponsored by a higher education
    institution, you are very likely to be entitled to one such
    grant. Other participants are encouraged to apply too.
    To apply, simply send an email
       To: durham.agents007 at durham.ac.uk
       Subject: EASSS07 grant application
    with a short (no longer than 1 paragraph) description of your
    research interests, and a brief explanation of how your
    attendance is being funded (assuming you have registered

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