1st CfP : "Organised Adaptation in Multi-Agent Systems" (OAMAS 08)

Vouros George georgev at aegean.gr
Sa Dez 8 11:46:02 CET 2007

Apologies for cross posting.





International Workshop on

"Organised Adaptation in Multi-Agent Systems" (OAMAS 08),


May 12 or 13, 2008,

Estoril, Portugal.


To be held with AAMAS 08







Multi-agent systems (MAS) such as formal organizations, electronic
institutions and computational economies, often have to adapt in order
to reflect, among others, environmental, social and economic changes in
them. Adaptation may take place in several levels. The environment of a
MAS may need to be reorganised by introducing or removing new resources
to make the operation of the MAS more efficient. Changes in the MAS
environment may cause the existing members of the MAS to be
re-organized: existing members leave the MAS, new agents are introduced,
or the current members are allocated to different roles. The roles
themselves may be the subject of adaptation as the eligibility
conditions for occupying a role, and/or the permissions, obligations,
authorities, entitlements, responsibilities, institutional powers, and
other normative positions that are associated with a role, may be
subject to adaptation. 


We welcome high-quality, original contributions that address issues of
organized adaptation in a MAS, as opposed to unintended, emergent
modification of a MAS.


Topics of interest include, but are not limited to: 

-Organizational models of adaptive MAS.

-Methodologies for analysis, design and development of adaptive MAS.

-Formal models of norm (policy, law) change.

-Practical engineering issues of norm (policy, law) change. 

-Protocols and procedures for carrying out adaptation.

-Cooperative human-agent models of adaptation.

-Evaluating methods of adaptation in a MAS.

-Simulations of adaptive MAS.

-Real-world applications of adaptive MAS. 

-Scalability in adaptive MAS. 

-Legal implications of adaptation. 

-Agent architectures for adaptive MAS.






* Submission Deadline: January 25, 2008

* Acceptance/Rejection Notification:  February 25, 2008

* Camera-Ready Copies: March 7, 2008






Papers should not exceed 16 pages and should be formatted according to

Springer LNAI guidelines.






- George Vouros, (University of the Aegean, Greece)

- Alexander Artikis, (NCSR 'Demokritos', Greece)

- Kostas Stathis, (Royal Holloway, University of London, UK)

- Jeremy Pitt, (Imperial College London, UK)



George Vouros

Professor of Artificial Intelligence, Univ. of the Aegean Head, AI-Lab

Dean of School of Sciences

President of the Hellenic Artificial Intelligence Society


Department of Information and Communication Systems Engineering

Karlovassi, Samos 83200, Greece

Phone: +30 2273 0 82226

Fax: +30 2273 0 82229

URL: http://www.icsd.aegean.gr/lecturers/georgev/


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