MTAP-JoWS Special Issue on Semantic Multimedia - Deadline Extended

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Fr Mär 30 10:55:43 CEST 2007

Multimedia Tools and Applications - Journal of Web Semantics
Joint Special Issue on "Semantic Multimedia"

Due to many requests, submission deadline is extended to 5 April 2007, 12:00 CET.


The objective of this special issue is to collect and report on recent high quality research that narrows the large disparity between the low-level descriptors typically computed automatically from multimedia content and the richness and subjectivity of semantics in user queries and human interpretations of audiovisual media i.e. the so called Semantic Gap. Research in this area is important because of the overwhelming amount of information available as multimedia for the purpose of entertainment, security, education, cultural or technical documentation and the very limited understanding of the semantics of such data sources and, hence, the limited ways in which they can be accessed by users.

In spite of the multitude of such activities, there is a lack of appropriate outlets for presenting high-quality research in the area of "Semantic Multimedia". This joint special issue is addressed to two research communities and two journals, Multimedia Tools and Applications (,11855,5-0-70-35538244-0,00.html) and Journal of Web Semantics ( The former is addressed to those members of the multimedia community interested in extending their multimedia analysis, indexing, retrieval etc. methods by leveraging Semantic Web technologies, i.e. core multimedia research employing semantics. The latter will cater towards those members of the Semantic Web community interested in applying their semantic technologies to the field of multimedia. This means that it targets core semantic web research with multimedia as its field of application. High quality contributio!
 ns addressing related theoretical and practical aspects are expected in both. 

Topics of interest

Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:

* Integration of multimedia processing and Semantic Web technologies
* Multimedia ontologies and infrastructures
* Knowledge assisted multimedia data mining
* Knowledge based inference for semi-automatic semantic media annotation
* Integration of content-based image/video analysis with natural language and speech processing
* Revelance feedback for finding semantics
* Semantic-driven multimedia indexing and retrieval
* Metadata management for multimedia
* Semantic Browsing of large multimedia archives
* Scalable, semantic-driven multimedia content adaptation and summarization
* Semantic interfaces and semantic personalisation for interaction with large multimedia repositories
* Semantics-driven multimedia presentation generation
* Semantics-aware media engineering involving content, users, and networks
* Standards bridging the multimedia and knowledge domains

Submission Procedure

Authors have the possibility to submit specifically to either the Journal of Web Semantics or to Multimedia Tools and Applications. However it is also possible to submit to this joint double special issue and leave it to the editors to decide about acceptance for one of the two journals. Prospective contributors are invited to submit papers in A4/US letter, single column, double space format, up to 30 pages long including figures, tables and references. Authors should submit their manuscripts in pdf format online at indicating their submission target as "MTAP", "JoWS" or "BOTH". Camera-ready papers will have to conform to the style of the target journal.

Important Dates

Deadline for manuscript submission:   *** 05 April 2007 12:00 CET ***
Notification to authors:              30 June 2007 
Final accepted manuscript due:        31 July 2007 
Publication date:                     2008 

Guest Editors

Yannis Avrithis, National Technical University of Athens, Greece
iavr at
Steffen Staab, University of  Koblenz-Landau, Germany
staab at
Noel O'Connor, Dublin City University, Ireland
oconnorn at
Raphael Troncy, CWI, The Netherlands
Raphael.Troncy at

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