Extended deadline: DATICS 2008 - Design, Analysis and Tools for Integrated Circuits and Systems

SS DATICS ss.datics at gmail.com
Di Apr 15 19:01:45 CEST 2008

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the following call for papers to any relevant mailing lists you know of.

                           CALL FOR PAPERS
Special session: Design, Analysis and Tools for Integrated Circuits and

                          DATICS 2008

             July 22-24, 2008 (Crete Island, Greece)

Aims and Scope
The main target of the Special Session: DATICS 2008 of the WSEAS CSCC
(http://www.wseas.org/conferences/2008/greece/icc/) is to bring together
engineering researchers, computer scientists, practitioners and people from
industry to
exchange theories, ideas, techniques and experiences related to all areas of
design, analysis and
tools for integrated circuits (e.g. digital, analog and mixed-signal
circuits) and
systems (e.g. real-time, hybrid and embedded systems).
The special session also focuses on the field of formal methods and
low power design methodologies for integrated circuits.

Topics of interest include, but are not limited to, the following:
* digital, analog, mixed-signal designs and test
* RF design and test
* design-for-testability and built-in self test methodologies
* reconfigurable system design
* high-level synthesis
* EDA tools for design, testing and verification
* low power design methodologies
* network and system on-a-chip
* application-specific SoCs
* specification languages: SystemC, SystemVerilog and UML
* all areas of modelling, simulation and verification
* formal methods and formalisms (e.g. process algebras, petri-nets,
automaton theory and BDDs)
* real-time, hybrid and embedded systems
* software engineering (including real-time Java, real-time UML and
performance metrics)

Industrial Collaborators
DATICS 2008 is partnered with:
* CEOL: Centre for Efficiency-Oriented Languages "Towards improved software
  University College Cork, Ireland ( http://www.ceol.ucc.ie)
* International Software and Productivity Engineering Institute, USA (
http://www.intspei.com )
* Intelligent Support Ltd., United Kingdom (http://www.isupport-ltd.co.uk)
* Minteos, Italy (http://www.minteos.com)
* M.O.S.T., Italy (http://www.most.it)
* Electronic Center, Italy (http://www.el-center.com)

DATICS 2008 is sponsored by:
1. LS Industrial Systems, South Korea (http://eng.lsis.biz)
2. Solari, Hong Kong (http://www.solari-hk.com)

Technical Program Committee
* Prof. Vladimir Hahanov, Kharkov National University of Radio Electronics,
* Prof. Paolo Prinetto, Politecnico di Torino, Italy
* Prof. Alberto Macii, Politecnico di Torino, Italy
* Prof. Joongho Choi, University of Seoul, South Korea
* Prof. Wei Li, Fudan University, China
* Prof. Michel Schellekens, University College Cork, Ireland
* Prof. Franco Fummi, University of Verona, Italy
* Prof. Jun-Dong Cho, Sung Kyun Kwan University, South Korea
* Prof. AHM Zahirul Alam, International Islamic University Malaysia,
* Prof. Gregory Provan, University College Cork, Ireland
* Dr. Emanuel Popovici, University College Cork, Ireland
* Dr. Jong-Kug Seon, Telemetrics Lab., LG Industrial Systems Co. Ltd., South
* Dr. Umberto Rossi, STMicroelectronics, Italy
* Dr. Graziano Pravadelli, University of Verona, Italy
* Dr. Vladimir Pavlov, International Software and Productivity Engineering
Institute, USA
* Dr. Jinfeng Huang, Philips & LiteOn Digital Solutions Netherlands,
Advanced Research Centre,
        The Netherlands
* Dr. Thierry Vallee, Georgia Southern University, Statesboro, Georgia, USA
* Dr. Menouer Boubekeur, University College Cork, Ireland
* Dr. Ana Sokolova, University of Salzburg, Austria
* Dr. Sergio Almerares, STMicroelectronics, Italy
* Ajay Patel (Director), Intelligent Support Ltd, United Kingdom
* Monica Donno (Director), Minteos, Italy
* Alessandro Carlo (Manager), Research and Development Centre of FIAT, Italy
* Yui Fai Lam (Manager), Microsystems Packaging Institute, Hong Kong
University of
   Science and Technology, Hong Kong

Important Dates
May 1, 2008: Deadline for submission of completed papers
May 15, 2008: Notification of acceptance/rejection to authors

Please visit our web-site for further information on the hosting conference
submission guidelines, proceedings and publications and international
technical reviewers.

Best regards,

General Chair of DATICS: Dr. K.L. Man (University College Cork, Ireland)
Organising Committee Chair: Miss Maria O'Keeffe (University College Cork,
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