Call for Student Council Proposals - ICST

Aliaksandr Birukou birukou at
Di Jan 29 17:17:02 CET 2008

CALL FOR PROPOSALS: ICST Student Councils (a pdf version available at:

ICST (, a non-profit Institute for Computer Sciences, 
and Telecommunications Engineering, which sponsors ICT related research,
innovation, business, technologies and their advancement in all sectors 
of society
invites proposals for organization of Student Councils - the anchors of 
researchers in an important technical area.


ICST Student Council is a branch of ICST community organized for and 
managed by
students, recent graduates, and junior researchers. Each Student Council 
anchors ICST
members in an important technical area providing information, 
coordination, and
collaboration means for its members. These means may include common 
portal hosting a set of tools such as community news, job search, 
announcements of
the upcoming conferences, the platform for sharing novel ideas and 
information exchange. ICST Student Councils provide the support in
conference/workshop organization to its members as well as sponsor 
scholarships and
travel grants for its members.

Each Student Council is coordinated by its officers appointed to their 
positions by the
council Chair or Vice Chair. Officer positions are opened according to 
coordination requirements and unique activities carried by the councils.

The organization of each Student Council and its activities is devoted 
to the
organization and coordination of ICST student members in a specific 
technical area.
To this aim, Student Council maintains a homepage hosting a set of tools 
(in the form
of gadgets) facilitating collaboration, organization, and information 
between its members while maintaining connection to revolutionary 
platforms introduced by ICST such as online e-Journals, Inforways 
Portals, iC at ST
magazine, e-Techbooks, and Multipedia.

Applications are encouraged from a variety of disciplines, such as but 
not limited to,
computer science, mathematics, physics, economics, statistics, medicine, 
law, and

Application Requirements
All applicants should be willing to become a Chair of the proposed 
Student Council.

The responsibilities of a Student Council char include:

* Provide leadership and a long-term planning of main strategic activities;
* Responsible for recruiting and managing volunteer officers 
coordinating Student
Council activities in a specific area (publications, events, industry 
* Work with the volunteer officers to develop technical focus and the 
for implementation of the planned activities;
* Contribute to the interaction of the proposed Student Council with the 
rest of
the scientific community;

All applications must include:

* The name of the technical area for the proposed Student Council;
* Short description of the chosen technical area and the main focus of the
Student Council (1-2 paragraphs);
* List of technical topics covered by the council (5-15 items);
* Current curriculum vitae of the applicant

Evaluation criteria will include relevant experience and research record 
of the
applicant as well as importance of the proposed topic. Applicants must show
willingness and ability to lead communities composed of a large number 
of junior
researchers. Preference will be given to young researchers, students, 
and recent

Application Submission
Proposals for organization of Student Councils will be reviewed on the 
first come, first
served basis with the decisions made within 5 days following the 
Applications should be sent to kliazovich at

Aliaksandr Birukou
Ph.D. Student
International Graduate School in
Information and Communication Technologies,
Information Engineering and Computer Science Department, 
University of Trento, Italy

via Sommarive 14, 
38050 Povo (Trento), TN, Italy
Office +39 0461 883914
Fax +39 0461 883964

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