2nd CfP HuCom 2008: First International Working Conference on Human Factors and Computational Models in Negotiation

Koen Hindriks k.v.hindriks at tudelft.nl
Fr Sep 19 09:07:30 CEST 2008

========================================= CALL FOR PAPERS


First International Working Conference on Human Factors and Computational
Models in Negotiation (HuCom 2008)


December 8 - 9, 2008


Delft, The Netherlands




========================================= INVITED SPEAKERS


We are pleased to announce that Gregory Kersten and Carles Sierra will
present invited talks at HuCom08.






October 17, 2008: Paper Submissions Due

November 3, 2008: Notification of paper acceptance/rejection

November 21, 2008: Camera-ready copies of accepted papers

December 8 - 9, 2008: Working Conference on Human Factors and Computational
Models in Negotiation

December 10, 2008: Inaugural Lecture Catholijn Jonker






We are pleased to solicit original and unpublished papers for publication
and presentation in the Working Conference on Human Factors and
Computational Models in Negotiation (http://mmi.tudelft.nl/hucom08).
Articles describing novel ideas and applications in all areas related to
human factors and computational models in negotiation are of interest. We
also invite submissions of statements of interests or position papers.


A selection of accepted papers will be considered for publication in the
Group Decision and Negotiation Journal.






Negotiation is a complex and sometimes emotional decision-making process
aiming to reach an agreement to exchange goods or services. Although a daily
activity, extensive research has shown that few people are effective
negotiators. Current state of the art negotiation support systems can help
make a significant improvement in negotiation performance. In particular,
when the negotiation space is well-understood such systems can make a
difference, partly because machines can much better deal with the
computational complexity involved. However, the negotiation space can only
be properly developed if the human parties jointly explore their interests.
The inherent semantic problem and the emotional issues involved make that
negotiation cannot be handled by artificial intelligence alone, and a
human-machine collaborative system is required. Such systems are not only to
support humans in providing strategic advice but also in coping with
emotions and moods in human-human interactions.


In order to develop human-machine collaborative negotiation support systems
there is a need for the development of computational models, frameworks, and
experimental, user-centred and ergonomic methods that enable the engineering
of negotiation support systems. It is important for this purpose to study
the role of human factors in negotiation as well as computational models to
enable intelligent support for negotiation. To develop the next generation
of negotiation support systems there are still many, diverse challenges:
models of (qualitative, incomplete) preferences, preference change and
strategies, preference elicitation, assessment methods for negotiation
performance, learning and adaptativeness in negotiation, models of emotion
and user awareness, the use and creation of domain knowledge, user
interfaces for negotiation support, human-supported assessment of opponent,
conflict handling styles, experimental methods.



Topics covered include but are not limited to:

.     Negotiation strategies (bidding, acceptance)

.     Argumentation for negotiation

.     Negotiation interaction

.     Learning in negotiation

.     Negotiation domain knowledge

.     Case studies

.     Preference elicitation

.     Qualitative preferences

.     Incomplete preferences

.     Ontologies for negotiation (protocols, preferences, domain knowledge)

.     Negotiation Support Systems

.     User interfaces for Negotiation Support Systems

.     Human-machine negotiation

.     Negotiation, conflict handling, and experiments related to e.g.
consensus building

.     Personality in negotiation (e.g. Big Five)

.     Emotions in negotiation

.     Cultural factors in negotiation

.     Negotiation bidding advice

.     Negotiation conflict styles

.     Trust in automatically generated negotiation advice

.     Negotiation applications

.     E-commerce

.     Methods and tools for negotiation tasks

.     Design and Evaluation of support systems

.     Conflict handling styles and consensus building

.     HCI aspects and human factors of negotiation






Original papers from the above-mentioned or other related areas will be
considered. All papers should represent original and previously unpublished
work that are currently not under review in any conference or journal. Both
basic and applied research papers are welcome. Each submitted paper will be
fully refereed by at least three referees.


Submit your paper electronically in either PDF or postscript format. Papers
should not be more than 15 pages. 

Submission is entirely automated by a paper management tool, which is
available from the main web site: 

http://www.easychair.org/conferences/?conf=hucom08. Authors must first
register their own account by obtaining a password, and then follow the


Authors of accepted papers must guarantee that their paper will be presented
at the conference.






Willem-Paul Brinkman - Delft University of Technology, Delft, The

Koen Hindriks - Delft University of Technology, Delft, The Netherlands

Dmytro Tykhonov - Delft University of Technology, Delft, The Netherlands


Program Chairs


Koen Hindriks - Delft University of Technology, Delft, The Netherlands

Catholijn Jonker - Delft University of Technology, Delft, The Netherlands

Liz Sonenberg - The University of Melbourne, Australia





Frank Dignum            Utrecht University, The Netherlands 

Shaheen Fatima          University of Liverpool, UK   

Kobi Gal                Harvard University, US  

Gert-Jan Hofstede       Wageningen University, The Netherlands    

Mark Hoogendoorn        Vrije Universiteit, The Netherlands 

Takayuki Ito            Nagoya Institute of Technology, Japan     

Gregory Kersten         Concordia University, Canada  

Steve Love              Brunel University, UK   

Tom McEwan              Napier University, UK   

Mark Neerincx           TNO, The Netherlands    

Avi Pfeffer             Harvard University, US  

Iyad Rahwan             British University in Dubai, United Arab Emirates

Valentin Robu           CWI, The Netherlands    

Pierre-Yves Schobbens   University of Namur, Belgium  

Carles Sierra           IIIA-CSIC, Spain  

Alexander Verbraeck     Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands 

Rineke Verbrugge        University of Groningen, The Netherlands  

Hans Weigand            Tilburg University, The Netherlands 

Pinar Yolum Bogazici    Bogazici University, Turkey   




For further information please contact: k.v.hindriks at tudelft.nl



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