[CfP] EUMAS-09 - Deadline approaching

Jordi Sabater-Mir jsabater at iiia.csic.es
Fr Aug 28 18:23:39 CEST 2009

Dear all,

This is just a gentle reminder that the deadline for papers submission
to the Seventh European Workshop on Multi-Agent Systems (EUMAS 2009) is

Abstracts ---- September 14th
Full papers -- September 18th

You can find the CfP with the instructions for the submission in

Remeber that you can submit original papers but also papers that are 
under submission,
will be presented or have already been presented at relevant 
international conferences.

Best regards,
Jordi Sabater-Mir


 _/ _/ _/_|   Dr. Jordi Sabater Mir
 / _/ _/ _|   IIIA - Artificial Intelligence Research Institute
  _/ _/___|   CSIC - Spanish National Research Council
 _/ _/____|   Campus Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona
 / _/    _|   08193 Bellaterra, Catalonia, Spain
              Ph.: +34 935809570 (ext. 261)      Fax.: +34 935809661
              jsabater at iiia.csic.es      http://www.iiia.csic.es

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