LPNMR'09 Registration

Torsten Schaub torsten at cs.uni-potsdam.de
Do Jul 9 07:58:40 CEST 2009

[Sorry, in case of multiple postings]

10th International Conference on Logic Programming and Nonmonotonic Reasoning
Potsdam, Germany, 14-18 September, 2009 

ON-LINE REGISTRATION for the conference is now open at:


The deadline for EARLY REGISTRATION is August 14, 2009.

The TECHNICAL PROGRAM includes 25 technical, 4 original application, 
10 system description, and 13 short papers.
Moreover 13 summaries of existing successful application papers will
be presented.

The SPECIAL THEME of LPNMR'09 is Applications of Logic Programming and
Nonmonotonic Reasoning in general and Answer Set Programming in particular.
The theme is reflected by dedicating an entire day of the conference to 
Apart from special sessions devoted to original and significant ASP/LPNMR
applications, we solicited contributions providing an overview of existing 
successful applications of ASP/LPNMR systems.
The presentations on applications are accompanied by two panels, one on
existing and another on future applications of ASP/LPNMR.

The theme of the conference is also reflected by our invited talks given by

- Armin Biere (Johannes Kepler University, Austria),
- Alexander Bockmayr (Freie Universitaet Berlin, Germany), and
- Ilkka Niemelae (Helsinki University of Technology, Finland).

The conference is accompanied by several workshops and hosts the award
ceremony of the Second ASP Competition, run prior to the conference by Marc
Denecker's research group at the University of Leuven, Belgium.

The list of accepted papers can be found on the conference website at:


We really look forward to welcoming you at LPNMR'09 in Potsdam,
the heart of Prussia, and the city with the highest density of 
academic and scientific facilities in Germany!

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