[AAMAS-10] - Final Call for Tutorials

Jordi Sabater Mir jsabater at iiia.csic.es
Di Nov 10 10:37:46 CET 2009

     (apologies if you receive multiple copies of this call)

Final Call for Tutorial Proposals

Ninth International Joint Conference on
             (AAMAS 2010)

Toronto, Canada
May 10-14, 2010


The AAMAS-10 Organizing Committee invites proposals for the Tutorial
Program, to be held on May 10--11, immediately before to the technical
conference. AAMAS-10 Tutorials should serve one or more of the
following objectives:

    * Introduce novices to major topics of AAMAS research.
    * Provide instruction in established practices and methodologies.
    * Survey a mature area of AAMAS research or practice.
    * Motivate and explain an AAMAS topic of emerging importance.
    * Introduce expert non-specialists to an AAMAS area.
    * Survey an area of agent research especially relevant for people
      from industry

Important Dates:
November 13, 2009: Tutorial Proposal Submission Deadline
December  4, 2009: Tutorial Acceptance Notifications
April  4, 2010: Deadline for submitting tutorial materials
May  10--11, 2010: AAMAS-2009 Tutorials

Further Information:
For further information on submission requirements and responsibilities with 
respect to accepted proposals please refer to the full call for proposals 
on the AAMAS 2010 website


Submissions and Inquiries:
Proposals and inquiries should be sent by email (in ASCII or pdf) to the
tutorials chair:

Kate Larson
Cheriton School of Computer Science
University of Waterloo
klarson at cs.uwaterloo.ca

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