NOTERE'2010: 1st Call for Papers

Bechir ZALILA bechir.zalila at
Di Okt 6 13:17:05 CEST 2009

                     NOTERE’2010: CALL FOR PAPERS

              The 10th Annual International Conference on
                 New Technologies of Distributed Systems

                 31 May - 2 June  2010,  Tozeur, Tunisia


Technically Co-sponsored by the Computer Society Chapter of the
IEEE-Tunisia section.


The technologies for information distribution are still evolving
changing. The International Conference on new distributed systems
technologies (NOTERE 2010: NOuvelles TEchnologies de la REpartition)
is a bilingual (French/English) forum for engineers and scientists in
academia, industry and government to present the recent advances and
latest research results in the design, implementation, deployment, and
evaluation of distributed system platforms, applications and
architectures. NOTERE 2010 will include a high quality scientific
program, invited speakers, tutorials and workshops in conjunction with
the conference.

After the nine past conferences held successively in Pau, Montreal,
Paris, Saadia, Gatineau, Toulouse, Marrakech, Lyon, Montreal, the
tenth edition of NOTERE will be Held in Tozeur in Tunisia.

Topics of Interests

Topics of interest include, but are not limited to, the following: 

 * Service oriented Architecture, Web applications, Web services
 * Domain Specific languages for distributed systems
 * Object, component, and agent based distributed systems 
 * Collaborative Applications, Distributed and mobile coordination et
 * Distributed Algorithms 
 * Reliability and scalability of distributed systems
 * Context-aware, self-adaptation, self-reparation, and self-* 
 * Autonomous middleware, Event based middleware
 * Communication Architectures and protocols
 * Service oriented architecture of network services
 * Sensor Networks, ubiquitous Networks and their  applications
 * Peer to peer systems and their applications
 * Management of distributed information and  management policies
 * Modeling, Formal and Semi-formal methods, and tools for distributed
 * Privacy, trust and security in distributed systems
 * Semantic approaches and ontology for modeling and management of
   distributed systems
 * QoS Management in distributed systems
 * Cloud computing, Grid computing et their applications
 * Software and middleware for embedded distributed systems and their

Paper Submission & Selection

 * Papers should be written in English or French, and must be
   submitted electronically in IEEE 2-column style. The cover page
   should include paper title, author's full names, affiliations and
   complete addresses, abstract, and a list of keywords.

 * Authors must upload their paper as PDF file using the NOTERE'2010
   submission system hosted by Easy Chair If any problem
   arises when submitting your paper, please contact us at the
   following email address: : notere2010 at

 * Each submitted paper will be evaluated by at least three reviewers
   of the program committee. At least one author of each accepted
   paper should participate at the conference in order to present it.


 * All accepted papers will be published in the conference proceedings
   edited by IEEE. Only those which are written in English will be
   published in IEEE Xplore.

Important Dates

Deadline for Research Paper Submission

   * Paper Submission: January 20, 2010
   * Acceptance Notification : Mars 20, 2010
   * Camera Ready Version: April 15, 2010
   * Conference days:  31 May - 2 June  2010

Deadline for workshop submission

   * Workshop proposals due: November 15, 2009
   * Notification of acceptance : November 22, 2009
   * Workshop website and complete CfP due: December 15, 2009
   * Workshops Days: May 29-30, 2010


Program Committees Chairs:
 * Khalil Drira , LAAS - University of Toulouse, France (khalil at 
 * Mohamed Jmaiel , ENIS - Sfax, Tunisia (mohamed.jmaiel at

Steering Committee:
 * Djamal Benslimane, LIRIS - Lyon, France
 * Rachida Dssouli, CIISE - Montreal, Canada
 * Mohammed Erradi, LAGI - Rabat, Morocco
 * Abdellatif Obaid , UQAM - Montreal, Canada
 * Pierre de Saqui-Sannes, LAAS - University of Toulouse, France

Workshop Chair:
 * Tarak Chaari, ISECS – University of Sfax, Tunisia
   (tarak.chaari at

Organization Committee Chair:
 * Ahmed Hadj Kacem, FSEGS - University of Sfax, Tunisia
   (ahmed.hadjkacem at

Organization Committee:
 * Riadh Ben halima, ENIS - University of Sfax, Tunisia
 * Mohamed Hadj Kacem, ISIM - University of Sfax, Tunisia
 * Slim Kallel, FSEG - University of  Sfax, Tunisia
 * Bechir Zalila, ENIS - University of Sfax, Tunisia

Program Committee:
 * Ludovic Apvrille, TELECOM ParisTech - Paris, France
 * Bechir Ayeb, FSM - Monastir, Tunisia
 * Daniel Amyot, SITE - Ottawa University, Canada
 * Abdelfettah Belghith, ENSI – University of  Manouba, Tunisia
 * Boualem Benatallah, UNSW - Sydney, Australia
 * Djamal Benslimane, UCBL- Lyon, France
 * Grégor von Bochmann, Ottawa University, Canada
 * Azzedine Boukerche, SITE – Ottawa University, Canada
 * Anna Cavalli, TELECOM SudParis -Evry, France
 * Soumaya Cherkaoui,  Sherbrook University, Canada
 * Dalila Chiadmi, UMI - Rabat, Morocco
 * Isabelle Chrisment, LORIA -Nancy, France
 * Pierre Cointe, Ecole des Mines - Nantes, France
 * Paulo Cunha, CIN-UFPE Recife - Pernambuco, Brazil
 * Michel Diaz, LAAS-CNRS - University of Toulouse, France
 * Khalil Drira, LAAS-CNRS - University of Toulouse, France
 * Rachida Dssouli, Concordia University, Canada
 * Mohammed Erradi, ENSIAS - Rabat, Morocco
 * Mamoun Filali Amine, IRIT - University of Toulouse, France
 * Faiez Gargouri, ISIMS - University of Sfax, Tunisia
 * Reinhard Gotzhein, University of Kaiserslautern, Germany
 * Ahmed Hadj Kacem, FSEGS - University of Sfax, Tunisia
 * Zahi Jarir,  Cadi Ayyad University - Marrakech, Morocco
 * Claude Jard, National High School of Cachan, France
 * Mohamed Jemni, ESSTT - University of Tunis, Tunisia
 * Mohamed Jmaiel, ENIS - University of Sfax, Tunisia
 * Ferhat Khendek, Concordia University, Canada
 * Ahmed Khoumsi, Sherbrook University, Canada
 * Marc Lacoste, Orange Labs - Issy Les Moulineaux, France
 * Jean-Christophe Lapayre, University of Franche-Comté, France
 * Luigi Logrippo, SITE – Ottawa University, Canada
 * Zakaria Maamar, Zayed University - Abu Dhabi,  UAE
 * Ali Mhidi, GM - Oakland, USA
 * Fatma Mili, Oakland University, USA
 * Hafedh Mili, UQAM- Montreal, Canada
 * Mohamed Mosbah, ENSERB - University of Bordeaux, France
 * Ghita Mostefaoui, Diamond Light Source - Oxford, United Kingdom
 * John Mullins, Polytechnic School  of Montreal, Canada
 * Olga Nabuco, CTI CENPRA -  Campinas, Brazil
 * Elie Najm, TELECOM ParisTech - Paris, France
 * Guevara Noubir, Northeastern University, USA
 * Abdellatif Obaid, UQAM- Montreal, Canada
 * Mauro Oliveira, Technical Federal School - Fortaleza, Brazil
 * Laurent Pautet, TELECOM ParisTech - Paris, France
 * Guy Pujolle, LIP6 - Paris, France
 * Aziz Salah, UQAM - Montreal, Canada
 * Pierre de Saqui-Sannes, LAAS-CNRS - University of Toulouse, France
 * Ahmed Serhrouchni, TELECOM ParisTech - Paris, France
 * Samir Tata, TELECOM SudParis -Evry, France
 * Said Tazi, LAAS-CNRS - University of Toulouse, France
 * Jean-Pierre Thomesse, LORIA -Nancy, France
 * Ken Turner, Université de Stirling, United Kingdom
 * Christelle Vangenot, Polytechnic Federal School of Lausanne, Suisse
 * Thierry Villemur, LAAS-CNRS - University of Toulouse, France
 * Roberto Willrich, Federal University of  Santa Catarina, Brazil

General Inquiries

For further information, please visit or
send emails to notere2010 at

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