CFP: NMR'2010, 13th International Workshop on Non-Monotonic Reasoning
Evgenia (Eugenia) Ternovska
ter at
Mo Okt 19 15:43:24 CEST 2009
(NMR 2010)
(Collocated with KR 2010, ICAPS 2010, FOIS 2010 and AAMAS 2010)
Sutton Place hotel, Toronto, Canada, May 14-16, 2010
*Submission deadline: January 29, 2010. Notification: March 1, 2010.
* The NMR workshop series is the premier specialized forum for
researchers in
non-monotonic reasoning and related areas. This will be the 13th
workshop in
the series. Its aim is to bring together active researchers in the
broad area of
non-monotonic reasoning, including belief revision, reasoning
about actions,
argumentation, declarative programming, preferences, non-monotonic
reasoning for ontologies, uncertainty, and other related topics.
NMR 2010 will be composed of six specialized sub-workshops:
* Argument, Dialog and Decision
* Declarative Programming for NMR
* Action and Belief Change
* Preferences and Norms
* Commonsense and NMR for Ontologies
* NMR and Uncertainty
* Topics of Interest: NMR'10 welcomes the submission of papers broadly
on issues and research in non-monotonic reasoning. We welcome
papers of
either a theoretical or practical nature. Topics of interest
include (but are not
limited to): foundations of non-monotonic reasoning, default
representing actions and planning, belief revision and information
reasoning and decision-making under uncertainty, answer set
belief updating and inconsistency handling, similarity-based
empirical studies of reasoning strategies, argument-based non-
monotonic logics,
abductive reasoning, algorithms and implementations, non-monotonic
logics in
multi-agent interaction, including negotiation and dispute
non-monotonic reasoning for ontologies, declarative programming for
non-monotonic reasoning, and reasoning with preferences.
* Submission of Paper: Papers should be submitted to the appropriate
if it is not clear which sub-workshop is most appropriate, please
contact the program
chairs for clarification.
Program Committee:
Richard Booth (Mahasarakham University),
Marc Denecker (Katholieke Universiteit Leuven),
Marina De Vos (University of Bath),
Alfredo Gabaldon (New University of Lisbon),
Gabriele Kern-Isberner University of Leipzig),
Frederic Koriche (Université Montpellier II),
Tommie Meyer (Meraka Institute, South Africa)
Henri Prade (Université Paul Sabatier),
Iyad Rahwan (British University in Dubai),
Guillermo R. Simari (Universidad Nacional del Sur)
Eugenia Ternovska (Simon Fraser University),
Ivan José Varzinczak (Meraka Institute),
Leon Van Der Torre (University of Luxembourg),
Renata Wassermann (Universidade de São Paulo).
Programme Co-Chairs
Tommie Meyer, Meraka Institute, South Africa
Eugenia Ternovska, Simon Fraser University, Canada
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