Call For Papers Deadline Extension to December 1, 2010 for International Journal of Critical Computer-Based Systems (IJCCBS) Special Issue on "Resilient Servers and Data Centres"
Richard E Harper
reharper at
Mi Aug 18 15:18:12 CEST 2010
This is to inform you that the submittal deadline for the subject Call for
Papers has been extended to December 1, 2010.
(We apologize for any replicates of this email that you may receive.)
Here is an abbreviated CFP:
International Journal of Critical Computer-Based Systems (IJCCBS)
Call For Papers
Special Issue on: "Resilient Servers and Data Centres"
Guest Editors:
Lisa Spainhower, IBM Systems and Technology Group, USA
Rick Harper, IBM Research, USA
Widespread deployment of heterogeneous virtualized systems in cloud
computing and warehouse-scale data centres, often used for
business-critical applications, introduces new challenges and opportunities
for technological advances and innovation. This special issue seeks
experimental, experiential, and theoretical papers dealing with a variety
of questions concerning innovations for resilience in modern IT systems.
This issue will present questions which include but are not limited to:
In addition to the more traditional definitions of high availability
and fault tolerance, the ability to respond robustly to a wide
variety of changes has become extremely important in modern dynamic
IT structures; is a new conception of resilience needed?
Economics of resilience: How much is enough and what is it worth? Do
we have adequate specification of resilience objectives to facilitate
a global economic ecosystem in which workload resilience goals can be
specified, bid, purchased, and measured?
Disasters, DOS attacks, viral outbreaks, thermal issues, power
outages, operator strikes, mass upgrades and maintenance actions are
significant impairments to resilience; what new impairments to
resilience arise in modern scale distributed data centres?
How do distributed and cloud computing exacerbate and/or mitigate
some of these impairments?
How do we achieve economically viable (e.g., cost effective, green,
efficient, easy-to-manage) geographical-scale resilience in
Complex systems management challenges: How do multiple managers and
domains of ownership interact in vast-scale IT systems?
What new techniques are needed for modelling, testing, validation of
resilient systems and data centres?
What design, analysis, validation, problem prediction, and test
technologies are applicable and might be transferable from the
safety-critical, manufacturing, and industrial domains to the IT
How can problem prediction and proactive avoidance be used to improve
the resilience of these systems in light of the new classes of
hazards that they face?
The full CFP may be accessed at
Lisa Spainhower
Rick Harper
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