CFP CARE 2011 @ AAMAS, Taipei, Taiwan

Guido Boella guido at
Di Dez 14 16:51:48 CET 2010

*Third International Workshop*
*Collaborative Agents - Research and development*
*CARE 2011*

in conjunction with AAMAS 2011

Paper submission deadline*30th January 2011*
Notification of acceptance/rejection
27th February 2011
Camera-ready copies due13th March 2011
Workshop Date2nd or 3rd May 2011
Do you care? For the lifetime value of customers, patients, products, 
information, and plan execution? If yes, then how do you work together 
with those that care for the same entity? Collaborative care is today's 
primary means to achieve complex outcomes and to increase the lifetime 
value of the cared entities. Collaboration enables agents to achieve 
complex goals that are difficult or impossible to attain for an 
individual agent. This collaboration takes place under conditions of 
incomplete information, uncertainty, and bounded rationality, much of 
which has been previously studied in economics and artificial 
intelligence. However, many real world domains are characterised by even 
greater complexity, including the possibility of unreliable and 
non-complying collaborators, complex market and incentive frameworks, 
and complex transaction costs and organisational structures. How can we 
create computational models, representations, algorithms and protocols 
to enable the next generation of intelligent collaborative care 
technologies? How can we build technologies that support collaboration 
under this complexity and uncertainty?

This workshop aims to foster discussions on computational models of 
collaboration support in distributed systems, addressing a range of 
theoretical and practical issues. We seek contributions of members in 
research and industry that use the agent paradigm to approach their 
problems. The CARE workshop series not only addresses a gap in the 
existing agent and AI landscape, but also tries to push the boundaries 
of existing work by addressing a problem that is relatively new to the 
agent community and that presents the community with exciting applications.

Application domains include healthcare, e-services, intelligent 
campuses, intelligent work places, business process management, 
telecommunications, and distance learning. For example, it includes the 
long term care of patients with a chronic disease (patient care), 
support of students in their studies (student care), and service 
provision in telecommunication (customer care). In many cases, caring 
requires a team of collaborators to work together under various 
constraints and market conditions. A team needs to achieve desired 
outcomes while decreasing costs associated with required activities.

The one day workshop will feature a mixture of invited talks, 
discussions and submitted contributions describing current work or work 
in progress in collaborative agent research and technology. The workshop 
environment fosters open discussions among all participants, 
particularly encouraging students to discuss their research topics and 
seek feedback from senior agent researchers.

Topics of interest include, without limitation:

     * How can we support/guide collaborative teams. How can we offer 
flexibility in the way how teams execute plans. How can we make team 
members follow agreed procedures (Incentives? Or more fundamental, by 
designing a new market?)
     * How to enable agents to form and follow joint agreements, 
guidelines and contracts in complex organisational and market driven 
domains (agreement adherence).
     * How to enable agents to monitor and change agreements, if 
required (agreement variation).
     * How can adherence and variation be achieved under uncertain and 
incomplete information (comprehensive formation/maintenance framework).
     * How to enable an effective communication infrastructure for 
collaborative care (possibly including humans and agents).
     * How to build a model of the features of individuals 
(customer/patient behaviour).
     * How to build comprehensive customer lifecycle management systems 
for customers, including telecommunication consumers, students and patients.
     * How to deploy lifecycle management systems in real world 
applications, such as healthcare, telecommunication, and smart campuses.
     * How to design markets that are adequate for agents to act with 
incomplete and uncertain information of the behaviour of collaborating 
     * How to build MAS that work efficiently in partially regulated 
markets (where governance policy or partnership agreements govern part 
of the market).
     * What are the implications of partial regulation on the management 
of contractual relationships and service delivery.
     * How organisational structures influence the negotiation of agents 
and the distribution/execution of tasks.
     * How to cope with collaborators that exhibit unreliable and 
non-conformant behaviour, e.g. where agreements are made but are not 
always conformed with.
     * How can interventions assist in managing contractual 
relationships and service delivery.
     * How can we make individuals encourage to perform activities to 
stay on-track and achieve desired outcomes (incentive frameworks).
     * How can we enable flexible, goal-driven and contextualised plan 
creation and business process management (including intelligent 
execution, monitoring, management, and optimization of business processes).
     * How to assign transaction costs to actions in planning, 
assignment, and execution in organisational structures.
     * How can transaction costs influence the social outcome of the 
system which is further influenced by the organisational context under 
which the collaboration takes place.
     * How to build an effective monitoring-recognition-intervention 
     * Can lessons learnt in game theoretic computation inform 
collaborative agent settings.
     * What role does learning and adaptivity play in building 
organisational MAS.
     * How to deal with partially regulated market (free markets are 
possibly an unrealistic paradigm as they don't really existent).


Cristiano Castelfranchi
Director *ISTC*- Institute of Cognitive Sciences and Technologies
  National Research Council
via San Martino della Battaglia 44, 00185 - Roma ITALY
tel +39 06 44595  -283; fax +39 06 44595 243
E-mail:*cristiano.castelfranchi at*
University of Siena - Dep. of Communication Sciences
Full Professor  "Cognitive Science"
E-mail: castelfranc at
/"Science is like s..x: sometimes something useful comes out,/
/but that is not  the reason we are doing it"/ (R. Feynman)

/"Quo magis speculativa, magis practica"/ (Leibniz)

/«La simplicité est la complexité résolue»/ (Constantin Brancusi)

/"Sui sentieri gia' tracciati/
/io mi perdo"/ (Rabindranath Tagore)

/"Academico di nulla academia"/   (Giordano Bruno)

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