2nd CfP || InfoWare 2011: June 19-24, 2011 - Luxembourg

InfoWare 2011 invitation at iarianews.org
Fr Dez 24 02:00:57 CET 2010


Please consider to contribute and encourage your team members and fellow scientists to contribute to the following federated events.

The submission deadline is February 5, 2011.

Thanks for forwarding the information on this Call for Submissions to those potentially interested to submit.

===== Call for Submissions =======

InfoWare 2011: June 19-24, 2011 - Luxembourg

see: http://www.iaria.org/conferences2011/InfoWare11.html

InfoWare 2011 is a federated event focussing on advanced topics concerning computation, wireless and mobile communications, internet, access networks, and collaboative systems and applications.

Submission (full paper) deadline: February 5, 2011.

Submissions must be electronically done using the 'Submit a Paper' link on the entry page of each conference.

Before submission, please check and conform with the Editorial rules: 

For details on the each conference's topics, see the individual Call for Papers for each conference.

Unpublished high quality contributions in terms of Regular papers and Posters or Work in Progress are welcome. Workshop proposals and Panel proposals on challenging topics are encouraged.

Extended versions of selected papers will be published in IARIA on-line Journals (http://www.iariajournals.org) and in Special issues of different journals mentioned on the entry page of each conference.

All tracks/topics are open to both research and industry contributions.

-- ICCGI 2011, The Sixth International Multi-Conference on Computing in the Global Information Technology 


-- ICWMC 2011, The Seventh International Conference on Wireless and Mobile Communications 


-- INTERNET 2011, The Third International Conference on Evolving Internet 


-- ACCESS 2011, The Second International Conference on Access Networks 


-- COLLA 2011, The First International Conference on Advanced Collaborative Networks, Systems and Applications 



IARIA Publicity Board


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