CFP: 3rd Workshop on Constraint Programming and Decision Making (CoProD'10)

Enrico Pontelli epontell at
Mo Jul 5 19:19:09 CEST 2010

                          CALL FOR PAPERS


3rd International Workshop on Constraint Programming and Decision Making

                          ENS Lyon, France
                    September 30-October 1, 2010

                 Submission deadline: Aug. 30, 2010


            CoProD'10 is the third edition of CoProD.

CoProD'08 and '09 were held successfully in Oct. 2008 and Nov. 2009 at UTEP,
          bringing together about 30 researchers from
    constraint programming, optimization, and domain scientists.



Constraint programming techniques are important components of intelligent
They constitute a declarative and efficient methodology to represent and
solve many 
practical problems. They have been applied successfully to a number of
fields, such 
as scheduling of air traffic, software engineering, networks security,
chemistry, and 
biology. Despite the proved usefulness of these techniques, they are still
utilized in real-life applications. One reason is the perceived lack of
communication between constraint programming experts and domain
practitioners about
constraints, in general, and their use in decision making, in particular.


Objectives of CoProD:
* To develop a network of researchers interested in constraint techniques,
in particular 
researchers and practitioners that use numeric and symbolic approaches (or a
combination of 
them) to solve constraint and optimization problems.
* To address the gap between the great capacity of these techniques and
their limited use. 
CoProD aims at encouraging presentation and discussion of on-going work. It
also aims at 
facilitating networking opportunities as well as cross-fertilization between
the approaches 
used in the different attending communities.

Therefore, besides active researchers in decision making and constraint
programming techniques,
we expect to have a wide attendance of domain scientists - whose input is
highly valued in 
this workshop.

Expected outcomes of CoProD:
* Definition of new directions for combining numeric and symbolic approaches
in solving constraints
and optimization problems in particular and in decision making in general.
* Definition of new representations and abstractions (such as tensors) that
are expected to 
enhance solving techniques and collaborations.
* Better connection between actual practitioners and researchers in
constraints and decision making.
CoProD'09 has the potential to impact these communities by easing
collaborations and therefore the emergence
of new techniques, and by creating a network of interest. The objectives of
CoProD are also relayed all
year round through the website

Special emphasis: Although topics are by no mean restricted to the
following, this year's edition
of CoProD wants to specifically emphasize the topic of tensor decomposition
as well as the use of
combined constraint programming/decision making to life science problems.

Topics of interest (not limited to):
* Programs and algorithms reliability
* Algorithms and applications of:
  o Constraint solving, including symbolic-numeric algorithms
  o Optimization: e.g., global, robust, multi-objective
  o Tensors
  o Interval arithmetic
* Description of domain applications that:
  o Require new decision making techniques
  o Implement decision making techniques

Invited Speakers:
The previous editions of CoProD featured invited talks by highly recognized
experts, such as: 
* Bart Selman, CS department, Cornell University
* Rina Dechter, Information and Computer Sciences, University of California
* Purushotham Bangalore, CIS department, University of Alabama at Birmingham
* James Raynolds, College of Nanoscale and Engineering, SUNY Albany
* Francois Modave, CS department, Central Washington University]
The invited speakers of CoProD'10 will be announced shortly.

Proceedings / Publication:
A book of abstracts will be printed and provided to each registered
After the workshop, the program committee will invite the authors to submit
a full article version of their work to be published (after a review
process) in a Springer book series.

Participation / Submission:
Participation is encouraged from people doing research in the area of
decision making as well as from domain scientists.

Submissions are expected in the form of extended abstracts of at least 2
pages and no more than 5
pages, formatted using the standard LNCS/LNAI format (see instructions at The title page should
include the name, address, and
email address of each author as well as a list of keywords.

Submissions have to be sent in postscript or pdf format AND latex format as
well to mceberio (at) utep
(dot) edu <mailto:mceberio at> . A contact author should be specified
in the submission email.
The deadline for submissions is August 30th, 2010. Authors of accepted
abstracts are expected to participate
and present their work at the workshop.

Important dates:
* August 30: abstract submission
* September 5: notification of acceptance
* September 15: camera-ready copy of abstracts due
* September 30-October 1: workshop


Main Organizers: Martine Ceberio, mceberio / utep (dot) edu.
                 Enrico Pontelli, epontell / cs (dot) nmsu (dot) edu
                 Vladik Kreinovich, vladik / utep (dot) edu
Student Organizers: Paden Portillo

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