PhD position in theoretical computer science at University of Kassel

Martin Lange martin.lange at
Do Jun 10 14:41:13 CEST 2010

***please distribute among prospective applicants ***

The Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science at the 
University of
Kassel, Germany, announces an open full-time position in theoretical 
computer science at
the research assistant / associate level (paid according to EG13 TV-H). 
The position is
available immediately and should ideally be filled no later than October 
1st, 2010.

The successful candidate will join the newly formed research group 
"Formal Methods and
Verification" headed by Prof. Martin Lange. Research of the group will 
focus on topics
around computational logic with applications in program verification etc.

An opportunity to study and work towards a PhD is given. Still, the 
position could also be
filled at the post-doc level. The position is initially available for 
two years but is expected to
continue to be funded through research projects afterwards. The position 
carries teaching
commitments of 4 hours per week during term time (roughly amounting to 
assisting on 1-2
courses per semester).

The successful candidate should
- possess an MSc or equivalent diploma in computer science or related 
areas, or be very close
   to completion of such studies;
- have a good background in theoretical computer science;
- have the skills to study towards a PhD;
- show interest in areas like computational logic, formal methods, 
program analysis and
   verification, etc.;
- welcome the opportunity to help build up the research group.
Knowledge of the German language prior to employment is not a formal 
requirement but some
of the teaching will have to be done in German. Thus, the successful 
candidate should be able
to quickly acquire a good knowledge of written and spoken German.

Informal inquiries are welcome and should be directed to Martin Lange via
"martin <dot> lange <at> uni <minus> kassel <dot> de" or +49/0 561 804 6261.

Applications should
- clearly state the reference number 14089,
- contain a CV, a statement explaining the candidate's research 
interests, and contact details of
   people who would be able to provide letters of recommendation,
- be directed to " Präsident der Universität Kassel, 34109 Kassel, 
Germany" or electronically to
   pvabt3 at

Deadline for applications: July 16th, 2010
Official job announcement (in German):

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