ISCL Spring School on Computational Logic - early registration: March 10, 2011
Paolo Torroni
paolo.torroni at
Do Feb 10 16:43:42 CET 2011
ISCL 2011
Third International ALP/GULP School on Computational Logic
Bertinoro, Italy, April 10-15, 2011 (co-located with DALT School 2011)
Computational Logic has many applications, including the modeling of
intelligent systems, verification of software, and the support of
systems for solving computationally hard problems. Moreover, being
founded on mathematical logic, tools based on CL are themselves amenable
to safe optimization and verification techniques. ISCL 2011 builds on
the success of 6 schools organized by GULP, the Italian Association for
Logic Programming. GULP, founded in 1985, is a non-profit organization
which is in charge of organizing the Italian Conference on Computational
Logic. ISCL 2011 is the result of a partnership between GULP and ALP,
the Association for Logic Programing. It aims at giving a comprehensive
introduction to this exciting research domain and disseminate the
results of research with a perspective on the future. The school will
provide a rich programme of lectures on different aspects of CL,
covering both the theoretical framework and relevant practical
perspectives, techniques and tools. Each lecture will provide the basic
notions of its topic before proceeding to more advanced issues. The
school will include activities dedicated to graduate students and final
exams on request.
Giorgio Delzanno is Associate Professor the University ofGenoa. He has
given many important contributions in automated verification, model
checking, infinite-state systems, models for concurrent and biological
systems. He has been the recipient of several research grants and
international awards.
Enrico Franconi is the Director of the European Masters Program in
Computational Logic at the Free University of Bozen-Bolzano, and
Principal Investigator in many EU-funded actions, networks of excellence
and large-scale projects on topics related to the semantic web,
networked knowledge, business processes and integration of ontological
and rule-based reasoning.
Robert Kowalski is Professor Emeritus at Imperial CollegeLondon, and one
of the first developers of logic programming. He made important
contributions to various areas such as automated reasoning, representing
and reasoning about time, abductive logic programming and intelligent
agents. His current research focuses on the application of computational
logic to cognitive science.
Dale Miller is the Director of Research at INRIA Saclay and leader of
the Parsifal team working on foundational aspects of proof theory as
well as on the design and implementation of systems that exploit that
foundational work. His main interests are in programming language
theory, proof theory, linear logic, and automated deduction.
Pascal Van Hentenryck is Professor of computer science at Brown
University, and the Director of the optimization laboratory. He was the
main designer and implementor of the CHIP programming system. He leads
many research projects funded by public and private institutions, in
which his research is applied to a large number of domains.
The programme will include:
- an introductory lecture to give an overview of the school
- 5 topical courses of 6 hours each
- student sessions with focussed brainstorming and organized mentoring
- a social trip
The school targets graduate students as well as other interested
researchers, from university, government and industry. It will allow
students to get a thorough overview of cutting-edge research and
technologies and get in touch with leading scientists.
The school aims to be truly international with a strong participation
from regions all around the world. This will help students make
connections with international participants and set the base for
potentially long-term cooperations.
An initial list of participants is available on the school Web site.
Grant application is now closed. However, additional support is still
available to AEPIA, APPIA, ACIA, AIxIA and AISB members. Limited
personal subscription to selected journals will be offered by John Wiley
& Sons to all attendees registered before March 25, 2011.
The University Residential Center is located in the small medieval
hilltop town of Bertinoro, 50km east of Bologna at an elevation of 230m
above sea level. Bertinoro is easily reachable from Bologna and Forli
airport or train station. The registration includes shuttle bus on April
10 and April 15. Bertinoro is close to many splendid Italian locations
such as Ravenna, Rimini on the Adriatic coast, and the Republic of San
Marino (all within 35km). Bertinoro can also be a base for visiting some
of the better-known Italian locations such as Padua, Ferrara,Venice,
Urbino, Florence and Siena.
Unity in Computational Logic
Computational logic is divided into several different fragments. There
is the division between the proof-as-program (functional programming)
approach and the proof-search (logic programming) approach to specifying
computation. There is the division among computation, model checking,
and theorem proving. Even at the level of the description of such
technical devices as proofs systems, there is the division among sequent
calculus, natural deduction, tableaux, and resolution. In these
lectures, I will show how recent results in structural proof theory
bring an organization to these topics so that these divisions can be
understood as certain choices within a large, flexible framework. That
framework involves recent lessons learned from linear logic, focused
proofs systems, and the use of fixed points and equality as logical
connectives. (Lecturer: Dale Miller).
Constraint Languages for Parametrized Verification: Bags, Words, Trees,
and Graphs
Parametrized verification is aimed at developing methods for proving the
correctness of systems consisting of an arbitrary number of repeated
components. In the lectures we overview some of the methods that can be
applied to systems in which configurations can be represented by
structures like bags, words, trees, and graphs. Examples of this class
of systems are: broadcast protocols (used to model cache coherence
protocols), automata with global conditions (used to model mutual
exclusion protocols for N-processes), tree rewriting systems (used to
model hierarchical systems), selective broadcast protocols (used to
model protocols for ad hoc networks). In the presentation we use the
metaphor "constraints as symbolic representation of sets of states" to
give a uniform presentation of verification methods and of termination
conditions in all these types of systems. Prerequisites: Basics of logic
and algorithms. (Lecturer: Giorgio Delzanno).
Description Logics
The main effort of the research in knowledge representation is providing
theories and systems for expressing structured knowledge and for
accessing and reasoning with it in a principled way. In this course we
will study Description Logics (DL), an important powerful class of
logic-based knowledge representation languages, which also form the
logical underpinning of the OWL family of web ontology languages
standardised by W3C. The emphasis will be on a rigorous approach to
knowledge representation and building ontologies. DL will be introduced
with its simplest formalization; the computational properties and
algorithms of the so called structural DL will be analysed. Then, the
course considers propositional DL: we will study the computational
properties and the reasoning with tableaux calculus. In the final part
of the course, we will consider advanced topics such as the
representation of knowledge bases and ontologies, and the connections of
DL with database theory. (Lecturer: Enrico Franconi).
Constraint Programming and Optimization Systems
Constraint programming is a declarative paradigm for expressing and
solving hard combinatorial optimization problems. Constraint programming
features an expressive and compositional language for expressing
constraints, which captures substructures on an application. Moreover,
constraint programming typically offers a rich search language to guide
the solver towards feasible and infeasible solutions. Computationally,
constraint programming uses constraints to filter infeasible values from
the variable domains. This course reviews both of these aspects,
explores the hybridization of constraint programming with other
optimization paradigms, and discusses similarities and differences with
other approaches to optimization and constraint satisfaction. Real case
studies in a modern constraint programming languages demonstrate the
technology. (Lecturer: Pascal Van Hentenryck).
Computational Logic and Human Thinking: How to be Artificially Intelligent
This course is based on the book Computational Logic and Human Thinking:
How to be Artificially Intelligent to be published by Cambridge
University Press. In both this course and the book, I make the case for
a comprehensive, logic-based theory of human intelligence, drawing upon
and reconciling a number of otherwise competing paradigms in Artificial
Intelligence and other fields. The most important of these paradigms are
production systems, logic programming, classical logic and decision
theory. The technical foundations of the theory are provided by
abductive logic programming embedded in an observation-thought
decision-action agent cycle. The theory draws support, not only from
Logic, Computing and Artificial Intelligence, but from related
developments in Cognitive Psychology, Philosophy, Law and Management
Science. (Lecturer: Robert Kowalski).
Standard registration is 700 euro until March 10, 2011.
Standard registrations are ALL-INCLUSIVE and cover access to all
lectures and exams, mentoring program and student session, lodging (5
nights) in double room (subject to availability), welcome cocktail,
breakfasts, coffee breaks, lunches and canteen/restaurant dinners,
social trip (including dinner), Internet access. Daily registrations are
also possible, as well as separate fees for accompanying person,
upgrades to single room, and B&B accommodation for early arrivals and
late departures at convenient rates.
AI Journal, Association for Logic Programming, Italian Association for
Logic Programming, Spanish Association for AI, Catalan Association for
AI, Portuguese Association for AI, The British Society for the Study of
AI andSimulation of Behaviour, Italian Association for AI, Italian
Association for Logic Programming, SICStus Prolog, John Wiley& Sons,
Bertinoro International Center for Informatics.
School Organisers
Paolo Torroni, DEIS, University of Bologna, Italy
Maurizio Gabbrielli, DSI, University of Bologna, Italy
Student Session Organiser
Marco Montali, DEIS, University of Bologna, Italy
Local Organisers
Marco Prandini, DEIS, University of Bologna
Eleonora Campori, Bertinoro Center for Informatics
Manuela Schiavi, Bertinoro Center for Informatics
For all visa-related and administrative concerns such as payment,
registration, lodging, and local logistics, contact Eleonora Campori,
ecampori at
Direct all other inquires to iscl.2011 at We will answer in 2
working days.
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