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Mi Jan 12 04:13:35 CET 2011

                     C a l l   f o r   P a p e r s

       P E S O S  2 0 1 1 -- The Third International Workshop on
           Principles of Engineering Service-Oriented Systems

              Waikiki, Honolulu, Hawaii, 23-24 May 2011

    In Conjunction with the 33rd ACM/IEEE International Conference
                   on Software Engineering (ICSE 2011)

                     Submission:    January  21, 2011
                     Notification:  February 26, 2011
                     Final version: March 10, 2011


Service-oriented systems represent a new class of software system in
which software is being used and integrated as external,
loosely-coupled services rather than being physically integrated and
owned permanently.  Service-oriented systems provide a more flexible
approach to software development, provisioning and maintenance because
services offer reusable functionality that can be combined to support
business processes (or similar) that are dynamic by nature.  This
enables the adaptation to changes in a system's environment as well as
to the continuously evolving system requirements that are commonplace
today.  However, service orientation poses challenges to more
traditional approaches to software development, stemming from the lack
of homogeneity of its basic components and from the requirement of
being able to accommodate changes and dynamic evolution right from the
beginning.  In this respect, the workshop aims at finding
possibilities of synergy between Software Engineering (SE)
technologies and Service-Oriented Computing (SOC) that are beneficial
to both field

Topics of Interest

The general theme of the workshop is the synergy between SOC and SE.
Specific topics of interest which delineate the expected contributions
to the workshop follow, but in all of them we expect authors to
highlight how their work contributes to a better understanding of the
relationships between SOC and SE.

PESOS seeks contributions addressing, but not limited to, the following

* Service-oriented software system life cycle
* Specification of service-oriented systems
* Requirements for service-oriented systems
* Design and architecture of service-oriented systems
* Verification, validation, and testing of services and
  service-oriented systems
* Adaptation and maintenance of service-oriented systems
* Service description, discovery, and composition
* Service semantics and interoperability
* Service deployment, binding, and monitoring
* Resource organization and management in service-oriented systems
* Service-oriented business process integration and management
* Service personalization and context-aware provisioning
* Service dependability, survivability, and reliability
* Trust, security, and privacy in service-oriented systems
* Quality of service (QoS) in service-oriented systems
* Service visualization and re-factorization
* Humans in service-based applications
* SOA and Cloud Computing


All contributions will be reviewed and evaluated based on originality,
technical quality and relevance to the workshop theme. Besides research
papers, experience papers and practical reports on industrial case
studies are particularly welcome.

Submitted papers will have to follow the ICSE 2011 format and not
excedd 7 pages in length, including tables, figures, references, and
appendices.  The submission will be handled through EasyChair at the

The workshop proceedings will be published together with the ICSE
proceedings on the ACM digital library. Authors of accepted papers must
register for the workshop.

Keynote speakers

In preparation

Program Committee

 Vasilios Andrikopoulos
 Matthias Book
 Antonio Brogi
 Robert D. Johnson
 Elisabetta Di Nitto
 Marlon Dumas
 Schahram Dustdar
 Sam Guinea
 Raman Kazhamiakin
 Marin Litoiu
 Nicolás López
 Hanan Lutfiyya
 Andreas Metzger
 Cornelius Ncube
 Liam O'Brien
 Flavio Oquendo
 Cesare Pautasso
 Antonio Ruiz-Cortés
 Tarja Systä
 Ladan Tahvildari
 Ingo Weber

Organizing Committee
  Manuel Carro, Facultad de Informática, UPM, Spain.
  Grace A. Lewis, CMU Software Engineering Institute, USA.
  Ann Liu, NICTA, Australia.
  Dimka Karastoynova, IAAS, Universität Stuttgart, Germany.

Steering Committee
  Schahram Dustdar, Technial University of Vienna, Austria
  Carlo Ghezzi, Politecnico di Milano, Italy.
  Domenico Laforenza, IIT‐CNR & ISTI CNR, Italy.
  Frank Leymann, University of Stuttgart, Germany.
  Mike Papazoglou, Tilburg University, The Netherlands.
  Klaus Pohl, University of Duisburg‐Essen, Germany.


For further enquiries:
pesos-2011 at
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