6th International Workshop on Constraints and Language Processing (CSLP at Context'11)

Henning Christiansen henning at ruc.dk
Di Mai 31 12:19:02 CEST 2011

6th International Workshop on Constraints and Language Processing (CSLP at Context'11)
27 September 2011

affiliated with CONTEXT'11: The 7th International and Interdisciplinary 
Conference on Modeling and Using Context 2011, Karlsruhe, Germany,
26-30 September 2011

Workshop Organizers:

Philippe Blache, Provence University, France
Henning Christiansen, Roskilde University, Denmark
Veronica Dahl, Simon Fraser University, Canada & Tarragona, Spain
Joergen Villadsen, Technical University of Denmark

Workshop Purpose:

The CSLP at Context'11 workshop considers the role of constraints in the 
representation of language and the implementation of language processing 
from an interdisciplinary perspective. This theme should be interpreted 
inclusively: contributions from linguistics, computer science, 
psycholinguistics and related areas are welcome, and an 
interdisciplinary perspective is of particular interest.
Constraints are widely used in linguistics, computer science, and 
psychology. How they are used, however, varies widely according to the 
research domain: knowledge representation, cognitive modelling, problem 
solving mechanisms, etc. These different perspectives are complementary, 
each one adding a piece to the puzzle. For example, linguistics proposes 
in-depth descriptions implementing constraints in order to filter out 
structures by means of description languages, constraint ranking, etc. 
The constraint programming paradigm, on the other hand, shows that 
constraints have to be taken as a systematic whole and can thus play a 
role in building the structures (or can even replace structures). 
Finally, psycholinguistics experiment have been made, investigating the 
role of constraint systems for cognitive processes in comprehension and 
production, as well as addressing how they can be acquired.

The topics include, but are not limited to
- Constraints in human language comprehension and production
- Context modelling and discourse interpretation
- Acquisition of constraints
- Constraints and learning
- Cross-theoretical view of the notion of constraint
- New advances in constraint-based linguistic theories
- Constraint satisfaction (CS) technologies for NLP
- Linguistic analysis and linguistic theories biased towards CS or 
constraint logic programming (CLP)
- Application of CS or CLP for NLP
- CS and CLP for other than textual or spoken languages, e.g.,
sign languages and biological, multimodal human-computer interaction,
visual languages
- Probabilistic constraint-based reasoning for NLP and context comprehension


Authors are invited to submit a full paper of up to 12 pages.
Papers must be submitted electronically as PDF files and be prepared 
using the Springer LNAI/LNCS format.
Previously published papers cannot be accepted.
Submissions will handled by the EasyChair conference system and will be
reviewed by the program committee.
One author for each accepted paper must attend the workshop in order to 
present the paper.
Proceedings will be printed by the CONTEXT conference.
A volume at an international publisher will be considered for selected 
and revised papers, if number and quality of submissions permits.
Please see the workshop homepage for further information.

Invited Speakers:

Program Committee:

Important Dates:

Deadline for paper submissions: 10 July 2011
Notification of acceptance/rejection: 1 August 2011
Deadline for final versions of accepted papers: 25 August 2011
Early registration: TBA
CSLP workshop: 27 September 2011

Further Information:

About the CSLP workshop: http://control.ruc.dk/CSLP2011/
About the CONTEXT conference: http://context-11.teco.edu/
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