[EASSS'12] 2nd Call for participation

Birna van Riemsdijk m.b.vanriemsdijk at tudelft.nl
Mi Apr 4 17:11:09 CEST 2012

                (Apologies for cross-posting)


          *  CALL FOR PARTICIPATION - EASSS 2012 *

          14th European Agent Systems Summer School

         Valencia, Spain ---  28th May-1st June 2012


The 14th European Agent Systems Summer School (EASSS 2012) will
be held at the Universitat Politecnica de Valencia, Valencia, Spain, from
the 28th of May to the 1st of June, 2012,  in the  week preceding  AAMAS
(the International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems).

As its highly successful earlier incarnations, EASSS 2012 will offer a rich
programme of both  introductory and advanced courses on  a broad range
of topics  in the  area of Autonomous  Agents and  Multiagent Systems.
The courses are aimed at PhD students, advanced Master's students, and
other young researchers  and will be taught by  leading researchers in
the  field. EASSS  is organised  under  the auspices  of EURAMAS,  the
European Association for Multiagent Systems (www.euramas.org).

Registration is open at http://easss2012.webs.upv.es/. The
early registration deadline is April 18th.

Follow us on Twitter to be informed about the latest news regarding
EASSS 2012 (http://twitter.com/easss2012).


Recall that there are several student grant programs to attend
EASSS 2012, offered by different institutions  

Check the details (elegibility, application forms, deadline) at
EASSS 2012 webpage.

Also please consider submitting a paper to the student session! See http://easss2012.webs.upv.es/studentSession.html. Deadlines are coming
up soon! 


      * EASSS 2012 PROGRAMME *

This is the list of the tutorials that will be offered in this
year's edition of EASSS:

T0. Introduction to Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems
  Carles Sierra

T1. Agent-based social simulation
  Tina Balke and Frédéric Amblard

T2. Organization and Environment oriented programming
  Olivier Boissier and Jomi F. Hübner and Alessandro Ricci

T3. Agent oriented programming languages
  Rafael Bordini and Koen Hindriks and Joao Leite

T4. Introduction to the modelling and verification of, and reasoning about multi-agent systems
  Nils Bulling and Jürgen Dix

T5. Cognitive agents for social simulation
  Frank Dignum and Virginia Dignum and Catholijn Jonker

T6. Supporting large-scale, distributed multi-agent systems
  Michel Oey and Sander van Splunter and Martijn Warnier and Frances Brazier

T7. Embodied conversational agents and affective computing
  Alexandre Pauchet and Nicolas Sabouret

T8. Industrial application of multi-agent systems
  Michal Pechoucek

T9. Trust and reputation in multi-agent systems
  Jordi Sabater-Mir and Javier Carbo

T10. Decision making under uncertainty
  Matthijs Spaan and Frans Oliehoek

T11. Normative multi-agent systems
  Guido Boella and Leon van der Torre

T12. Distributed search and constraint handling
  Alessandro Farinelli and Alex Rogers and Meritxell Vinyals

T13. Agent coordination in planning and scheduling
  Cees Witteveen and Bob Huisman

T14. Argumentation for agent societies
  Massimiliano Giacomin and Serena Villata

More information regarding these tutorials is available at the
EASSS 2012 website.

The program also includes a student session. The submission details
of the student session are available on the EASSS 2012 web site.


EASSS 2012 organizing committee
easss2012 at dsic.upv.es

Local organization chair:
Vicente Julian: vinglada at dsic.upv.es

Program co-chairs:
Birna van Riemsdijk: m.b.vanriemsdijk at tudelft.nl
Laurent Vercouter: laurent.vercouter at insa-rouen.fr


Dr. M. Birna van Riemsdijk
assistant professor
Interactive Intelligence Group
Department of Mediamatics
Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Mathematics and Computer Science
Delft University of Technology
Mekelweg 4
2628 CD Delft
The Netherlands
Room: HB 12.040
Telephone: +31 (0)15 2786331
Fax: +31 (0)15 2787141
Website: http://mmi.tudelft.nl/~birna/
Twitter: @mbirna

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