LSHC3: ECML/PKDD - PASCAL Discovery Challenge Workshop on Large-Scale Hierarchical Classification

Grigorios Tsoumakas tsoumakas at
Mi Jul 4 08:57:54 CEST 2012

LSHC3: ECML/PKDD - PASCAL Discovery Challenge Workshop on Large-Scale
Hierarchical Classification

September 28, 2012, Bristol, UK



Hierarchies are becoming ever more popular for the organization of
documents, particularly on the Web (e.g. Web directories). Along with their
widespread use comes the need for automated classification of new documents
to the categories in the hierarchy. Research on large-scale classification
so far has focused on large numbers of documents and/or large numbers of
features, with a limited number of categories. However, this is not the
case in hierarchical category systems, such as DMOZ or Wikipedia.
Approaching this problem, researchers have either extended existing
large-scale classifiers, or have developed new models and methods.

LSHC3 is the third in the series of workshops on large-scale hierarchical
classification. The workshop aims at bringing together researchers and
practitioners of large-scale category systems and thus welcomes theoretical
studies, as well as studies reporting the development of large-scale
categorizers or components of such categorizers. In particular, some of the
issues that we expect to cover in the workshop are:

* Learning to classify against many categories
* Data sparseness in the presence of large datasets
* Use of the statistical dependence of hierarchically organized classes
* The role of shrinkage methods in large hierarchies
* Ensemble methods for hierarchical classification
* Extending existing large-scale classifiers to hierarchies
* Multi-task and transfer learning within and across large hierarchies
* Unsupervised or semi-supervised extension of hierarchies
* Computational issues in large-scale categorization
* Challenging hierarchical classification tasks and datasets



* Paper submission - July 27
* Acceptance notification - August 10
* Camera-ready paper - August 24



We encourage submissions on all aspects of large-scale categorization, from
purely theoretical work to practical developments of large-scale
categorizers. Submissions must be written in English, following the LNCS
guidelines and must not exceed 12 pages including references and figures.
The Easychair electronic submission system will be used for the papers.
Please, refer to the workshop page for details about the submission format
and process.



Ion Androutsopoulos, AUEB, Athens, Greece
Thierry Artieres, LIP6, Paris, France
Patrick Gallinari, LIP6, Paris, France
Eric Gaussier, LIG, Grenoble, France
Aris Kosmopoulos, NCSR "Demokritos" & AUEB, Athens, Greece
George Paliouras, NCSR "Demokritos", Athens, Greece
Ioannis Partalas, LIG, Grenoble, France
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