1st CfP: AT 2012 First International Conference on Agreement Technologies
George Vouros
georgev at unipi.gr
Mi Mär 28 11:12:20 CEST 2012
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AT 2012
First International Conference on Agreement Technologies
October 15 - 16, 2012 in Dubrovnik, Croatia
AIMS & SCOPE ========================
Agreement Technologies refer to computer systems in which autonomous
software agents negotiate with one another, typically on behalf of
humans, in order to come to mutually acceptable agreements. An agent
may choose whether to fulfil an agreement or not, and it should fulfil
it when there is an obligation to do so derived from the standing
agreements. Autonomy, interaction, mobility and openness are key
concepts studied within the Agreement Technologies approach.
Semantic alignment, negotiation, argumentation, virtual organisations,
trust and reputation and several other technologies are part of the
sandbox to define, specify and verify such systems. The first
International Conference on Agreement Technologies is an
interdisciplinary forum that brings together researchers and
practitioners working on the various topics comprising this emergent
and vibrant field. It provides an avenue to discuss and exchange new
ideas and techniques for the design, implementation and verification
of next generation open distributed systems centred on the notion of
agreement among computational agents.
The conference is supported by COST Action IC0801 on Agreement
TOPICS OF INTEREST ===================
- Argumentation, negotiation
- Trust and reputation
- Coordination and distributed decision making
- Computational Social Choice
- Semantic alignment
- Inter-theory Relations
- Decision and game theoretic foundations for agreement
- Agent Commitments
- Semantic Service Coordination
- Normative Systems
- Individual reasoning about norm adoption
- Collective deliberation about norm adoption
- Autonomic Electronic Institutions
- Group planning agreements
- Deliberative Agreement: social choice and collective judgment
- Evolution of organisational structures
- Social Intelligence
- Logics for Agreements
- Real-time agreements
- Agreement patterns
- Agreement technologies architectures, environments and methodologies
- Applications of agreement technologies (e.g. web service
composition, contract automation, supply chain automation, sensor
networks, etc.)
SUBMISSION DETAILS ===================
We encourge submission of original papers from the above-mentioned or
other related areas.
Each submission should be in one of the following categories:
Full Papers:
Papers in this category should represent original and previously
unpublished work that is currently not under review in any conference
or journal. Both basic and applied research papers are welcome.
Papers should not exceed 15 pages including references and figures.
Position Papers:
Contributions in this category may represent either a summary of
original work that has already been published in a conference or journal
(in this case submissions must include explicitly a reference to the
already published work), or a summary of original results obtained as
a product of STSMs funded by the Agreement Technologies Cost Action,
or ongoing research that can lead to important contributions to
Agreement Technologies. Submissions in this category should not exceed
2 pages.
All submissions must be written in English and formatted according to
the Springer LNCS style, which can be obtained from
Submissions must be done via easychair at https://www.easychair.org/conferences/?conf=at2012
All papers will be reviewed.
The conference proceedings will be published with CEUR-WS.org.
We also plan a special issue of an ISI ranked Journal for
extended versions of high-quality papers describing original, novel
Further details will be announced soon.
IMPORTANT DATES =======================
Abstracts due: June 20, 2012
Full papers due: June 25, 2012
Notification: July 20, 2012
Camera-ready submission: September 9, 2012
AT-2012 conference: October 15-16, 2012
CONFERENCE OFFICIALS ===================
Conference Chair:
Sascha Ossowski (University Rey Juan Carlos, Spain)
Programme Chairs:
Francesca Toni (Imperial College London, UK)
George Vouros (University of Piraeus, Greece)
Local Chairs and Organisation:
Gordan Jezic, University of Zagreb, Croatia
Mario Kusek, University of Zagreb, Croatia
Marin Lujak, University Rey Juan Carlos, Spain
Tanja Grzilo, University of Zagreb, CAAS Dubrovnik, Croatia
CONTACT ===============================
Email: at2012 at agreement-technologies.eu
Web: http://at2012.tel.fer.hr/
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