[EASSS-2013] 15th European Agent Systems Summer School - Call For Participation

Peter Novak P.Novak at tudelft.nl
Fr Apr 5 23:47:12 CEST 2013

[apologies for cross-posting]


	     15th European Agent Systems Summer School (EASSS-2013)

	      to be held at King's College London, United Kingdom
				 1-5 July 2013

			       easss13 at kcl.ac.uk

*** ABOUT EASSS-2013 ***

Since 1999, the annual European Agent Systems Summer School (EASSS) has provided
a forum for knowledge exchange between various research groups in the field of
autonomous agents and multi-agent systems, with the aim of benefiting mainly
graduate students and researchers at both beginner and advanced level.

The 15th European Agent Systems Summer School will be held at King's College
London, UK, from the 1st to 5th of July 2013. EASSS-2013 will be co-located with
the 15th Advanced Course on Artificial Intelligence on the topic of
Argumentation (ACAI-2013http://www.inf.kcl.ac.uk/events/acai13/); ACAI is a
bi-annual summer school for graduate students and young researchers in AI,
sponsored by ECCAI (European Coordinating Committee for Artificial

As was the case with its earlier editions, EASSS-2013 will offer a rich
programme of both introductory and advanced courses on a broad range of topics
in the area of Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems. The courses are aimed
at PhD students, advanced Master's students, and other young researchers and
will be taught by leading researchers in the field. EASSS is organised under the
auspices of EURAMAS, the European Association for Multiagent Systems


Registration is now open!

Deadline for early registration: 20 May 2013

Early registration: £210 per attendee.

Late registration: £250 per attendee.

Registration includes:
  - Electronic copy of all tutorials
  - Coffee breaks and lunches for all five days
  - Gala dinner

For further details on registration please visit the EASSS 2013 website:

Note: registration does *NOT*  include accommodation. A limited number of rooms
have been reserved in a student halls of residences that can be booked directly
for around £50 a night. For details of how to book this accommodation, and of
other student accommodation in London see the EASSS 2013 website:


Some grants will be made available for students attending EASSS 2013.

Details of these grants and of how to apply for them will be announced via the
EASSS 2013 website:

*** EASSS 2013 PROGRAMME ***

Tutorials have been organised into themes. Students are able to attend as many
or as few tutorials from a particular theme as they like, there is no
requirement to attend all tutorials from a theme. This will allow students
access to a wide range of topics from agent research while at the same time
giving them the opportunity top do somewhat deeper into a specific area of
research if they want to.

Theme: Agents, from research to applications

  1. Introduction to agent systems
	by Michael Luck

  2. Autonomous intelligent agents in action: Agents on earth and in space
	by Sara Bernardini

  3. Agent and multi-agent research methodologies
	by Michael Rovatsos

Theme: Agent systems development

  4. Agent-oriented programming
	by Raphael Bordini, Mehdi Dastani, Koen Hendriks and João Leite

  5. Agent-based modelling and computational economics
	by Steve Phelps and Neil Rayner

  6. Normative multi-agent systems by Wamberto Vasconcelos

Theme: Agreement technologies

  7. Voting theory
	by Ulle Endriss

  8. Dialogue
	by Simon Parsons

  9. Negotiation
	by Nicolas Maudet

Theme: Game theory

  10. Game theory for computer science
	 by Michael Wooldridge

  11. Reasoning about cooperation
	 by Nils Bulling and Paolo Turrini

Theme: Planning for agents

  12. Introduction to AI planning
	 by Amanda Coles and Andrew Coles

  13. Decision making under uncertainty
	 by Frans Oliehoek and Mathijs Spaan

Theme: Verification of multi-agent systems

  14. Model checking multi-agent systems
	 by Alessio Lomuscio and Franco Raimondi

  15. Verifying agent-based autonomous systems
  	 by Louise Dennis and Michael Fisher


EASSS has been organised annually in different European locations since 1999,
when it was held in Utrecht. Here are the websites of the most recent editions:

* EASSS-2012 in Valencia:	http://easss2012.webs.upv.es/  
* EASSS-2011 in Girona: 	http://eia.udg.edu/easss2011/  
* EASSS-2010 in Saint-Etienne: 	http://easss2010.emse.fr/  
* EASSS-2009 in Torino: 	http://agents009.di.unito.it/EASSS.html  
* EASSS-2008 in Lisbon: 	http://centria.di.fct.unl.pt/events/easss08/

EASSS'07/Durham, UK; EASSS'06/Annecy, France; EASSS'05/Utrecht, Netherlands;
EASSS'04/Liverpool, UK; EASSS'03/Bologna, Italy; EASSS'02/Barcelona, Spain;
EASSS'01/Prague, Czech Republic; EASSS'00/Saarbrucken, Germany;
EASSS'99/Utrecht, Netherlands

** CONTACT ***

For all matters concerning the technical program of EASSS-2013 and this Call for
Tutorial Proposals, please contact Paul Harrenstein or Peter Novak. For matters
concerning the local organisation of the summer school, please contact Elizabeth
Black or Sanjay Modgil.

Paul Harrenstein:	paul.harrenstein at cs.ox.ac.uk  
Peter Novak:		P.Novak at tudelft.nl
Elizabeth Black:	elizabeth.black at kcl.ac.uk  
Sanjay Modgil:		sanjay.modgil at kcl.ac.uk

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