MATES 2013 Doctoral Mentoring CFP

Lars Braubach braubach at
Fr Mär 8 14:24:05 CET 2013

(Please apologies if you receive multiple copies of this call)

Doctoral Mentoring MATES 2013

The MATES doctoral mentoring (DM) is meant to support PhD students 
working in the area of intelligent agents or multi-agent systems. It 
aims to connect researchers, and give PhD students a place to present 
and discuss their ideas and make them work together collaboratively.

The goal of the DM is to bring together and support young researchers 
with different backgrounds, who are interested in intelligent agents or 
multi-agent systems. We invite PhD students at all stages of their 
research. The DM wants to offer a platform for PhD students for 
presenting and discussing their results, ideas and planed work in a 
constructive atmosphere. Moreover, each PhD student will be mentored by 
an experienced researcher, who will provide detailed feedback and advice 
to help with their intended research. This often gives valuable external 
input and provides the opportunity to get in touch with different 
researchers extending the personal academic network.


An abstract of your thesis (up to 4 pages), formatted following the 
MATES guidelines. The abstract should outline your PhD project. It 
should contain an introduction to your research field, a description of 
related works and a description of your research (done and/or planned). 
The abstract has to be written without co-authors. The abstract will be 
reviewed by members of the MATES PC and accepted abstracts with high 
quality will be published as part of the MATES Springer proceedings.

Please note that students can participate at MATES with severely reduced 
rates (


15.06.2013 – Application Deadline
28.06.2013 – Notification of acceptance
01.07.2013 – Submission of revised final version
16.-17.09.2013 – DM at MATES 2013

Detailed information abou the doctoral mentoring program can be found at

Submission and Contact

Submission of research proposals for the mentoring track are handled via 
ConfTool. Please register at and 
submit your paper under “MATES – Doctoral Mentoring” or use this direct 

If you have any questions, please feel free to send an email to 
braubach at

Dr. Lars Braubach
Verteilte Systeme und Informationssysteme (VSIS)
Fachbereich Informatik
Universität Hamburg
Vogt-Kölln-Str. 30
22527 Hamburg

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