SMT 2014: Last call for papers, extended deadline
Christoph Wintersteiger
cwinter at
So Apr 13 22:10:46 CEST 2014
--- Last CALL FOR PAPERS, extended deadline ---
(We apologize if you receive multiple copies of this message)
SMT Workshop 2014
12th International Workshop on Satisfiability Modulo Theories
Affiliated with CAV, IJCAR, and SAT at FLoC 2014
July 17-18, 2014
Vienna, Austria
Determining the satisfiability of first-order formulas modulo
background theories, known as the Satisfiability Modulo Theories (SMT)
problem, has proven to be an enabling technology for verification,
synthesis, test generation, compiler optimization, scheduling, and
other areas. The success of SMT techniques depends on the development
of both domain-specific decision procedures for each background theory
(e.g., linear arithmetic, the theory of arrays, or the theory of
bit-vectors) and combination methods that allow one to obtain more
versatile SMT tools, usually leveraging Boolean satisfiability (SAT)
solvers. These ingredients together make SMT techniques well-suited
for use in larger automated reasoning and verification efforts.
Aims and Scope
The goal of the SMT Workshop is to bring together both researchers and
users of SMT technology and provide them with a forum for presenting
and discussing both new theoretical ideas and implementation and
evaluation techniques. Topics of the workshop include, but are not
limited to:
* Decision procedures and theories of interest
* Combinations of decision procedures
* Novel implementation techniques
* Benchmarks and evaluation methodologies
* Applications and case studies
* Theoretical results
Papers on pragmatic aspects of implementing and using SMT tools, as well
as novel applications of SMT, are especially encouraged.
Important dates
Due to several requests, we decided to extend the paper submission deadline to
April 23rd. The other dates remain unchanged:
* Submission deadline: April 23rd, 2014 [Extended]
* Notification: May 20th, 2014
* Camera ready versions due: May 27th, 2014
* Workshop: July 17-18, 2014
All dates are "anywhere on earth".
Paper submission and Proceedings
Three categories of submissions are invited:
* Extended abstracts: we strongly encourage the submission of
preliminary reports of work in progress. They may range in length
from very short (a couple of pages) to the full 10 pages, and will
be judged based on the expected level of interest for the SMT
community. They will be included in the informal proceedings.
* Original papers: contain original research (simultaneous submissions
are not allowed) and sufficient detail to assess the merits and
relevance of the submission. For papers reporting experimental
results, authors are strongly encouraged to make their data
* Presentation-only papers: describe work relevant for the SMT
community that has recently been published or submitted at other
venues. They will not be included in the proceedings.
Papers in all three categories will be peer-reviewed. Original papers
should not exceed 10 pages, should be prepared in LaTeX using the
easychair.cls class file, and submitted in standard-conforming
PDF. Technical details may be included in an appendix to be read at
the reviewers' discretion.
To submit a paper, go to the EasyChair SMT page and follow the
instructions there.
Program Committee
* Martin Brain (University of Oxford)
* Roberto Bruttomesso (Atrenta)
* Bruno Dutertre (SRI international)
* Pascal Fontaine (Inria, Loria, University of Lorraine)
* Malay Ganai (NEC Labs America)
* Sicun Gao (Carnegie Mellon University)
* Amit Goel (Intel Corporation)
* Alberto Griggio (FBK-IRST)
* Jochen Hoenicke (University of Freiburg)
* Dejan Jovanović (SRI international)
* Albert Oliveras (Technical University of Catalonia)
* Philipp Rümmer (Uppsala University) - co-chair
* Christoph Sticksel (The University of Iowa)
* Cesare Tinelli (The University of Iowa)
* Tjark Weber (Uppsala University)
* Georg Weissenbacher (Vienna University of Technology)
* Thomas Wies (New York University)
* Christoph M. Wintersteiger (Microsoft Research) - co-chair
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