ECML/PKDD 2014 2nd Call for Demonstrations

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Di Mai 6 21:04:19 CEST 2014

Call for Demos

For ECML PKDD 2014 in Nancy, France, we solicit submissions for demos.
Submissions must describe
working systems and be based on state-of-the-art machine learning and data
mining technology.
These systems may be innovative prototype implementations or mature systems
that use
machine learning techniques and knowledge discovery processes in a real
We particularly welcome demos that use open-source software and offer
innovative services.

Demo submissions will be evaluated on relevance, maturity of the systems to
be presented
and technical challenges they solve, but also on potential usefulness to a
large number
of conference attendees.

The accepted papers for demos will be included in the conference
to be published by Springer Verlag in the "Lecture Notes in Artificial
(LNAI) Series. The demos will be presented in a special demonstration
At least one of the demo submitters must register for the conference, and
the demo on site.

Submission Guidelines

All aspects of the submission and notification process will be handled
online via
the CMT conference management toolkit accessible from the conference web.
Please choose the right track during the submission. Instructions
concerning the submission,
camera-ready formatting and copyright transfer for conference papers also
hold for demo papers,
unless otherwise specified.

A demonstration submission must be up to 4 pages long. It must provide
adequate information
on the system’s components and the way the system is operated. Figures,
and interactive demonstration plans may be included if necessary. The
authors must further
provide a URL that points to a preview of the demonstration which can be
seen as a companion
webpage including more material, a detailed documentation and if possible
the tool itself.

Submitters should keep in mind that the description of a demo has
inherently different
content than a research paper submitted to the main conference. A
successful demonstration
paper provides satisfactory answers the following questions:

- What makes the presented piece of software unique and special?
- What are the innovative aspects or in what way/area does it represent the
state of the art?
- For whom is it most interesting/useful – for an ML/DM researcher, for a
  or undergraduate student in these areas, for a practitioner?
- If there are similar/related pieces of software, what are the advantages
and disadvantages
  of the presented one?

The formatting guidelines of Springer Verlag for the LNAI series apply, and
the author
instructions and style files under must be used.
For inquiries concerning submissions please contact the Demo Track Chairs;
contact data below.

Important Dates

- Demo submission deadline: 16 May 2014
- Notification of acceptance: 15 June 2014
- Camera-ready paper due: 23 June 2014


For further information please contact the Demo Track Chairs:
- Myra Spiliopoulou,
- Ricard Gavaldà,
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