Registration is Open: Social.PATH 2014 - Computational Social Science and Social Computer Science: Two Sides of the Same Coin?
t.balke at
t.balke at
Fr Mai 16 17:17:26 CEST 2014
[Apologies for cross-posting]
Social.Path 2014 - Computational Social Science and Social Computer Science: Two Sides of the Same Coin
(23.-24.6.2014, University of Surrey, UK,
Invited Speakers (confirmed): Andreas Flache (Groningen University) and Doyne Farmer (Oxford University)
Social science concepts such as norms, markets and rationality have found their way into computer science in general and agent-based research in particular where they model coordination between largely independent autonomous computational entities. Vice versa, in the social sciences - sociology, philosophy, economics, legal science, etc. - computational models and their implementations have been used to investigate the rigour of theories and hypothesis.
The use of these social science concepts in computer science is sometimes on a more metaphorical level than a detailed implementation of the "real" concept and the theories surrounding it. Equally, the computer models used in the social sciences are not always convincing. At the same time, through the European Network for Social Intelligence the burgeoning of an interest in fundamentally re-thinking the modelling of social reality could be detected. This was supported by a new research initiative to re-question existing models, which indicated that although intelligence is well covered, sociality has been undermodelled as yet.
In order to overcome this problem and to facilitate future interaction of the two worlds, in March 2013 as first workshop – called SocialPath – was held. At this workshop key researchers from the different worlds were invited to discuss their ideas for integration. One main finding of this workshop was that computer science and social science do not need the richness of each others work at all times, which is why, together with the workshop participants, (1) we identified a set of scenarios which are scientifically relevant to both communities, and (2) analysed commonalities between these scenarios.
Starting from this point, this years workshop will focus on the topic “Computational Social Science and Social Computer Science: Two Sides of the Same Coin?” address the following two points in particular:
1. The operationalisation of human behaviour in realistic settings (where perfect rationality is not applicable anymore), as well as
2. The Investigation of the interplay of bottom-up and top-down approaches to study complex systems.
The workshop aims to lead the way to a research agenda that can harness the power of social science theories for the modelling community in a more thorough way than was hereto possible, aided by advances in computer technology and modelling experience.
Registration Information
Registration website:
Standard Registration Fee (£100): This fee includes attendance to all sessions and the main dinner on 23 June 2014.
Student Registration Fee (£55): This fee includes attendance to all sessions and the main dinner on 23 June 2014.
Workshop Dates: 23rd June 2014 – 24th June 2014, University of Surrey, Guildford, UK
Registration Deadline: 14th June 2014
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