IJCAI 2015 Workshop on AI and Feedback - Last CFP

Nardine Osman nardine at iiia.csic.es
Di Apr 21 08:49:59 CEST 2015

[Apologies for cross-postings]
Please consider to contribute to and/or forward to interested colleagues and students. (Call for papers is attached to this email.)
Extended submission deadline is May 4, 2015 (& extended abstract deadline is April 27, 2015). 
Selected papers in the education domain will be invited as book chapters in a book entitled “Learning about music in the age of MOOCS", to be published by Academic Press, Amsterdam by the end of 2015.
Original work (published or unpublished), as well as visionary papers and roadmaps are strongly encouraged.
Topics of interest cover different strands of AI, and focus on feedback-related issues, such as mining and extracting feedback, generating feedback, understanding feedback, and assessing feedback. 

Last Call for Papers
AInF @ IJCAI 2015
IJCAI 2015 Workshop on AI and Feedback
25-27 July 2015, Buenos Aires, Argentina

AI and Feedback is the first international workshop on the topic and it is one of the IJCAI 2015 workshops 
(http://ijcai-15.org). It focuses on applying AI techniques for addressing the challenges of mining and 
extracting feedback, as well as assessing, analysing, and making use of feedback.

Feedback is key for both improvement and decision making. As humans, we are designed to constantly 
seek feedback on how and what we are doing in life. Feedback can come from ourselves, from our peers, 
from our teachers, from our collaborators, audiences, customers, public or press. Feedback provides 
opportunities to learn about how we and our work are perceived by others. If we encounter someone 
[something] new, we can examine previous feedback to learn how this new person [thing] is perceived by 

A key target of this workshop is to discuss how to build intelligent feedback agents that are capable of 
autonomously providing feedback that equals or surpasses that of human beings in its usefulness. The 
feedback of artificial feedback agents should have some desirable characteristics. It should be socially and 
culturally appropriate, clearly expressed, sufficiently focused and contextualised, thoughtfully challenging 
yet encouraging, compassionate, open to debate, justified and comparative, also, it should be trustworthy. 
Giving and receiving feedback with these characteristics therefore is a challenging, creative process.

Aims and objectives. This workshop aims to bring together researchers from different strands of AI to 
discuss various aspects of feedback. The following questions are examples for consideration:
- How can we build creative feedback agents that can generate feedback, especially on creative work?
- How can we provide a sufficient agency in AI systems so that feedback from such systems will be useful?
- How can we model feedback so that it can be generated by AI systems?
- How can we design intuitive environments in which groups of humans and AI systems can give each other 
- How can we design systems that can act as creative collaborators? That not only give feedback, but can 
actually propose changes to a developing artefact?
- How can we mine and learn from large datasets of feedback, e.g. educational social networks?
- How can implicit feedback be extracted and interpreted?
- How can trust and reputation models help with the assessment of feedback?
- How can we process and use feedback?
- What are the possible applications for AI systems capable of giving creative feedback?

Topics of Interest
Topics of interest cover a variety of feedback-related issues, such as mining and extracting feedback, 
generating feedback, understanding feedback, and assessing feedback.

Topics of interest cover different strands of AI, such as multiagent systems, machine learning, natural 
language processing, and knowledge representation.

Topics include, but are not limited to:
- Ontologies of feedback
- Multimodal feedback
- Implicit feedback
- Opinion mining and sentiment analysis
- Automatic generation of feedback
- Modelling the impact of feedback
- Designing environments for feedback
- Feedback and machine learning
- Trust and reputation models for feedback analysis
- Applications: creative industries, music composition, online learning, etc.

Important Dates
- [Extended] Abstract submission: 27 April 2015
- [Extended] Paper submission: 4 May 2015
- Acceptance notification: 1 June 2015
- Camera-ready copy due: 10 June 2015
- Workshop dates: 25-27 July 2015

We welcome and strongly encourage the submission of high quality, original work (published or 
unpublished), as well as visionary papers and roadmaps relevant to the scope of this workshop.

Submitted papers must be formatted according to IJCAI guidelines. Formatting guidelines and electronic 
templates are available here: http://ijcai-15.org/downloads/FormattingGuidelinesIJCAI-15.zip

Submitted papers should not exceed 8 pages, excluding the bibliographic references.

Papers should be submitted electronically through the AInF2015 EasyChair site: 

Papers will be subject to a single-blind peer review. So authors can keep their names and affiliations on 
their submitted papers.

The workshop proceedings will be published as a CEUR Workshop Proceedings (ISSN: 1613-0073, 

A selection of accepted workshop papers that are relevant to the education domain will be invited as book chapters in a book entitled “Learning about music in the age of MOOCS", to be published by Academic Press, Amsterdam by the end of 2015. 

- Nardine Osman [nardine at iiia.csic.es] Artificial Intelligence Research Institute (IIIA-CSIC), Barcelona, Spain
- Matthew Yee-King [m.yee-king at gold.ac.uk] Department of Computing, Goldsmiths, University of 
London, London, UK

Additional Information
Please check the workshop's website: http://iiia.csic.es/ainf15/

For any questions, please email the workshop's chairs at: 
- nardine at iiia.csic.es
- m.yee-king at gold.ac.uk
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