3rd CfP: Joint Ontology Workshops (JOWO), EXTENDED DEADLINE May 10, IJCAI-15, Buenos Aires
Stefano Borgo
stefano.borgo at gmail.com
Mi Apr 29 10:06:22 CEST 2015
Joint Ontology Workshops (JOWO-15)
* Deadline extended *
-- Episode 1: The Argentine Winter --
Buenos Aires, Argentina, July 25-31, 2015
in conjunction with IJCAI 2015
Invited speakers:
- Diego Calvanese (Univ. of Bolzano/Bozen)
- Luciano Serafini (FBK, Trento)
--- Third Call for Papers ---
Submission deadline (extended): May 10, 2015
This first edition of the Joint Ontology Workshops (JOWO-15) combines
four exciting ontology-centered workshops at IJCAI-15. Together with
ontology work presented at IJCAI itself, we will transform Buenos Aires
for a week into the largest venue for ontology research of the year.
JOWO-15 is supported by the International Association for Ontology and
its Applications - IAOA. It will feature a series of (shared) invited
talks, paper presentations, and discussions spread across four
independent full-day workshops run over a period of three days:
Workshop on Formal Ontologies for Artificial Intelligence (FOfAI)
chairs: Stefano Borgo, Oliver Kutz, and Daniele Porello
FOfAI aims to establish a venue for researchers in AI with a strong
interest in applied ontology. In particular, we aim to foster an
interdisciplinary discussion and cross-fertilization among a number of
communities by proposing a venue to exchange foundational,
methodological, and applicative perspectives. The workshop thus
encourages submission of articles on both theoretical, computational,
and linguistic issues in the use of ontologies in AI as well as the
concrete use of non-trivial ontologies in AI systems and applications.
FOfAI is generously sponsored by the Association for Logic, Language and
Information - FoLLI.
9th Int. Workshop on Modular Ontologies (WoMO 2015)
chairs: Kenneth Baclawski, Torsten Hahmann, Pavel Klinov, Adila Krisnadhi
This workshop brings together researchers from all subareas of AI and
from related disciplines and application domains to discuss latest and
current work on theoretical and practical aspects of modularity in
ontologies. Topics include modularity as enabling technology for
knowledge repositories and collaborative knowledge development
environments and as a tool for reducing the complexity of designing and
understanding ontologies, and to facilitating ontology verification,
reasoning, maintenance and integration.
1st Workshop on Belief Change and Non-Monotonic Reasoning in Ontologies
and Databases
chairs: Eduardo FermÈ, Thomas Meyer and Renata Wassermann
This workshop will bring together researchers working in the areas of
logic-based ontologies, belief change, and database systems, along with
researchers working in relevant areas in non-monotonic reasoning,
commonsense reasoning, and paraconsistent reasoning. Hence the workshop
will facilitate discussions on the application of existing work in
belief change, non-monotonic reasoning, commonsense reasoning, and
related areas on the one hand, to logic-based ontologies and databases
on the other.
Ontologies and logic programming for query answering
chairs: Odile Papini, Marie-Laure Mugnier, Laurent Garcia, Salem Benferhat
The aim of this workshop is to bridge knowledge representation and
reasoning in artificial intelligence and web of knowledge communities in
order to encourage the emergence of new solutions for reasoning with
lightweight ontologies. Particular topics include query answering while
taking ontologies into account and
non-monotonic reasoning for inconsistency handling and exception
handling and expressing default negations in ontologies, with a special
interest in logic programming for implementations.
Paper Submission (extended): May 10, 2015
Notification: May 30, 2015
Camera ready: June 15, 2015
Workshop: July, 2015
Please refer to the individual workshops for detailed lists of topics
appropriate for each workshop.
Submissions can be long papers (up to 8 pages) or short papers (up to 4
pages), formatted using the AAAI style (available from
http://www.aaai.org/Publications/Author/author.php), submitted in PDF
format no later than the submission deadline.
All submission are handled through Easychair. Use
http://www.easychair.org/conferences/?conf=jowo15 for submissions to any
of the first three workshops, and select the track that corresponds to
the workshop most appropriate for your work. For the last workshop
''Ontologies and logic programming for query answering'', submissions
are handled separately through
All submissions will be peer-reviewed by members of the program
committee of the individual workshops. Accepted papers will be made
available in the form of a joint workshop proceedings. For additional
publication plans check the individual workshops.
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