Andreas Herzig
Andreas.Herzig at
Mo Jan 5 18:40:54 CET 2015
CFP Workshop on Logical Aspects of Multi-Agent Systems (LAMAS 2015)
Istanbul, May 4 or 5, 2015
The LAMAS workshop provides a meeting forum for the research community
working on various logical aspects of multi-agent systems (MAS) from the
perspectives of artificial intelligence, computer science, and game
theory. It addresses the whole range of issues that arise in the context
of using logic in MAS, from theoretical foundations to algorithmic
methods and implemented tools. The workshop is planned to serve two
mutually supporting purposes. Primarily, it will be a mini-conference,
hosting talks and discussions, and facilitating exchange of information,
research ideas, and publication of original research papers on issues
listed below. Secondly, the workshop will provide a meeting forum for
the research community working on various logical aspects of MAS. The
participants will discuss how the community can support coordination of
research and dissemination of results.
The main technical issues that the workshop will address are:
- Logical systems for specification, analysis, and reasoning about MAS
- logic-based modeling of MAS
- Deductive systems and decision procedures for logics for MAS
- Development, complexity analysis, and implementation of algorithmic
methods for formal verification of MAS
- Logic-based tools for MAS
- Applications of logics in MAS
Three types of submissions are allowed:
- Regular papers up to 15 pages, describing original unpublished
research. Position papers and visionary work in progress can also be
submitted in this category. Simultaneous submission to another venue is
not allowed.
- System descriptions of up to 12 pages, describing new systems or
significant upgrades of existing ones.
- Extended abstracts of 2-5 pages reporting interesting and relevant
work that has been published (or accepted for publication) in the last
12 months.
Submissions should be anonymous. Each submission will be reviewed by at
least 2 program committee members.
Papers must be in PDF format and prepared according to the Springer LNCS
format ( Please submit
via the Easychair (
February 11, 2015: paper submission deadline
March 10, 2015: author notification
March 19, 2015: Camera-ready version
May 4 or 5, 2015: workshop
Workshop notes including all accepted papers will be distributed to
AAMAS 2015 registrants in electronic form. Printed workshop notes will
NOT be made available to workshop participants. Depending on the quality
of the submissions, we also plan to edit workshop post-proceedings as a
journal special issue of the Journal of Applied Non-Classical Logics
(JANCL). The submissions to that special issue will be subject to a
proper reviewing and selection process.
Chairs: Andreas Herzig and Emiliano Lorini (IRIT and CNRS, University of
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