CS Dept, Univ. of Cyprus: Job Vacancy for a Post-Doctoral Researcher

Announce Announcements announce at cs.ucy.ac.cy
Fr Okt 9 16:17:00 CEST 2015






Position: Special Scientist (Post-Doctoral Researcher)
Category: Contract-based
Appointment: 12 months (initial)
Location: Nicosia, Cyprus

Job Announcement: The Research Laboratory of Software Engineering and
Internet Technologies (SEIT) of the Department of Computer Science,
University of Cyprus invites qualified researchers to express their interest for
a vacant position as a Special Scientist (Post-Doctoral Researcher) in Mobile,
Digital and Social media technologies.

The Team: SEIT focuses its research activities on two important areas of
Information Technology, namely Software Engineering and Internet
Technologies. In the first area, SEIT focuses on Cloud Computing, Service
Oriented Architectures, Context-Aware Middleware Platforms and Smart and
Mobile Computing for the development of pervasive, self-adaptive
applications and Smart IoT services. In the second area, the Laboratory
concentrates on the development of ICT-enabled Environments, platforms
and tools for implementing Health monitoring and support services, Smart
and Personalised services for Elders, Assistive Technologies for people with
disabilities and Creativity services. The lab also pursues activities related to
Technology Enhanced Learning, E-Business, E-Government and developing
environments for elders' social inclusion, active ageing and independent
living. Finally, the lab's research is also related to Creativity, Recommender
Systems and Crowd Sourcing.

Job Description: The fellowship calls for research within the context of the
"Scientific Challenge (SCICHALLENGE)" H2020 European research project,
on "Next Generation Science challenges using digital and social media to
make Science Education and Careers attractive for young people". The
successful candidate will be in charge of research, design and development
of a Web Platform integrating multifunctional modules like open information
hub, a contest submission system with syndication features, dashboards as
linkable hotspots with social sharing functionalities, and awareness channels.

The project goal is to raise the attractiveness of science education and
scientific careers, to boost the interest of young people in science,
technology, engineering and mathematics, and to introduce innovative and
effective teaching and education methods. The appointed fellow is expected
to work independently and/or as part of the team on the research areas of
Mobile, Digital and Social media technologies.

Requirements: The candidate is expected to be a highly-motivated individual
with proven capability to work in a demanding multi-disciplinary research
environment and eager to be actively engaged in the demanding activities of
European projects, collaborating efficiently with the SEIT research team.

Minimal requirements include:
· A Ph.D. degree in Computer Science.
· Proven research work in Mobile, Digital and Social media technologies.
· Expertise in Software Engineering Methods and Architectures applied to
any of the following areas will be considered as a favourable qualification:
Cloud Computing, Internet of Things, Context-Aware & Adaptive Systems,
and Automatic Deployment & Dynamic Configuration.

Employment Terms: This position is on a contract basis with the initial
appointment for a period of twelve (12) months. The monthly salary will be
?3,000-3,500 (EUR) depending on qualifications. Employee contributions to
social security etc. will be covered by the gross salary of the employee.
There is no provision for 13th salary or medical and pharmaceutical

Interested applicants are invited to submit a detailed Curriculum Vitae (CV),
as well as a description of their academic and research experiences (research
statement) in English.

For more information, please contact:

Prof. George A. Papadopoulos (tel: +357-22-892693,
email: [george AT cs.ucy.ac.cy] )

All application material must be submitted via email to Prof. George A.
Papadopoulos. This is an open position until a person qualified to the
above criteria is appointed.

To be removed from this list, please click on this link: http://www.cs.ucy.ac.cy/~george/lm/lm.php?un=ZXZlbnQJCQlldmVudEBpbi50dS1jbGF1c3RoYWwuZGUJQ1MgRGVwdCwgVW5pdi4gb2YgQ3lwcnVzOiBKb2IgVmFjYW5jeSBmb3IgYSBQb3N0LURvY3RvcmFsIFJlc2VhcmNoZXIJMzAxCUFkZHJlc3NlcwktLQk4NTA1CXVuc3Vic2NyaWJlCW5vCW5v

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