[CfP] JWS Special Issue on Visualization and Interaction for Ontologies and Linked Data

Valentina Ivanova valentina.ivanova at liu.se
Fr Dez 23 14:52:38 CET 2016

The Journal of Web Semantics invites submissions for a special issue on Visualization and Interaction for Ontologies and Linked Data to be edited by Valentina Ivanova, Patrick Lambrix, Steffen Lohmann and Catia Pesquita.


Submission Deadline: January 31, 2017 (23:59 Hawaii Standard Time)

Topics of interest include:

* Visualizations and user interfaces for ontologies and Linked Data (overview, exploration, analysis, visual analytics, querying, etc.)
* Visualizations and user interfaces for ontology engineering (ontology development, alignment, debugging, evolution, provenance, collaboration, etc.)
* Case studies of applying visualizations in ontology engineering and Linked Data consumption
* User evaluations of visual interfaces for Linked Data and ontologies
* Analyses of different user types and needs
* Cognitive aspects of interaction and visualization
* Context-aware visualization and interaction techniques
* Applications of novel interaction techniques (e.g., touch and gesture interaction)
* Mobile user interfaces for ontology engineering and Linked Data exploration

We are looking forward to your submissions & Happy holidays

Valentina Ivanova
Patrick Lambrix
Steffen Lohmann
Catia Pesquita

Guest Editors

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