BioASQ biomedical QA task about to start
Anastasia Krithara
akrithara at
Fr Mär 4 14:14:54 CET 2016
Apologies for cross-posting
BioASQ challenge on large-scale biomedical semantic indexing and question
(part of the BioNLP Workshop, to take place in ACL, Berlin, Germany, 12-13
August, 2016)
Web site:
BioNLP site:
We are happy to announce that the first test for BioASQ task 4b (biomedical
semantic QA) will take place in a few days!
If you are interested in any of the following areas:
* Question answering from unstructured and structured data
* Single and multi-document summarization
* Information retrieval and passage retrieval
* Semantic indexing, semantic similarity and reasoning
* Machine learning, classification, learning to rank
* Named-entity recognition and disambiguation
* Information extraction, fact checking, relation extraction
* Textual entailment
* Natural-language generation
then you may want to participate in BioASQ Task 4b (biomedical semantic QA).
More information at
Important dates:
* Task 4b: You can join on ANY of the following dates:
- March 09, 2016
- March 23, 2016
- April 06, 2016
- April 20, 2016
- May 04, 2016.
Additionally, we would like to remind you that BioASQ task 4a (large-scale
biomedical semantic indexing) is running a new test every week.
If you are interested in any of the following areas:
* Large-scale and hierarchical classification
* Machine learning
* Semantic Indexing, semantic similarity
then you may want to participate in BioASQ Task 4a (large-scale biomedical
semantic indexing).
More information at
Detailed schedule at
Training data for both tasks available at
Dr. Anastasia Krithara
Research Associate
Software & Knowledge Engineering Laboratory (SKEL)
Insititute of Informatics and Telecommunications (IIT)
NCSR Demokritos
Email: akrithara at <mailto:akrithara at>
Tel: 210 6503172
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