AI*IA Incoming Mobility Grants 2016

Fabrizio Riguzzi fabrizio.riguzzi at
Fr Mai 6 16:53:00 CEST 2016

AI*IA Incoming Mobility Grants 2016

                     Call for research visits

Deadline for applications: 10 June 2016

To favour mobility of young researchers the Italian Association for  
Intelligence (AI*IA) issues the Association Incoming Mobility Grants for  
Applications are solicited for funding a research visit of a PhD student
enrolled at a foreign University to an Italian institution.

Students will be funded by AI*IA which will cover their travel costs and  
expenses (up to 2000 euro).
The funding will be provided as a reimbursement for the expenses incurred  
in the
visit. After the visit, the awarded person should send the Association the
receipts of her/his costs for which she/he would like to be refunded.

The central aim of these extended visits is to build a research bridge  
researchers and to create a solid basis for long term collaborations.   
the visit has to lead to a submission of an article on a joint
research topics to the Intelligenza Artificiale journal.

Eligibility for the visiting student is to be enrolled full-time in a PhD
programme at a foreign University.
Funding is available for 2 students.
The visit start should be between the 1st July 2016 and the 30th of June  

Deadline for applications: 10 June 2016
Notification of grants: 22 June 2016

The information required in the application are:
1. name of the foreign PhD student who will be hosted;
2. name and address of the foreign Lab/Department and University;
3. name of the Italian researcher of the hosting institution. The Italian
    researcher must be a member of the Association for 2016.
    If she/he is not a member for 2016 she/he must register before applying.
4. a short (max 2 pages) resume/CV of the foreign student;
5. a short (max 2 pages) resume/CV of the Italian host;
6. a short (max 2 pages) description of the research that will be carried  
    during the visit
7. a budget of the foreseen expenses
8. declaration of the Italian host indicating that the hosting institution  
    willing to provide office space and access to lab facilities to conduct  
9. expected visit dates

The application must be sent by email to incoming at

The applications will be examined by a committee composed by members of the
AI*IA Board of Directors.

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