CSL 2017 Call for Workshop Proposals

Dilian Gurov dilian at csc.kth.se
Di Okt 18 17:13:58 CEST 2016

26th Annual EACSL Conference on Computer Science Logic CSL’2017
Stockholm,  August 20-24, 2017


The 26th Annual EACSL Conference on Computer Science Logic CSL’2017 will 
take place in Stockholm, Sweden, during August 20-24, 2017. It will be 
organized jointly by Stockholm University and KTH Royal Institute of 
Technology, and will be hosted by Stockholm University. It will be 
immediately preceded by, and colocated with, the Annual European Summer 
Meeting of the Association for Symbolic Logic (Logic Colloquium) 2017.

This is a call for proposals for satellite workshops affiliated with 
CSL’2017, on topics related to the main topics of the conference, 
including: automata and games, game semantics, automated deduction and 
interactive theorem proving, bounded arithmetic and propositional proof 
complexity,categorical logic and topological semantics, computational 
proof theory, constructive mathematics and type theory, decision 
procedures, domain theory, equational logic and term rewriting, finite 
model theory, higher-order logic, lambda calculus and combinatory logic, 
linear logic and other substructural logics, logic programming and 
constraints, logical aspects of computational complexity, logical 
aspects of quantum computing, logic in database theory, logical 
foundations of programming, paradigms, logical foundations of 
cryptography, and information hiding, logics for multi-agent systems, 
modal and temporal logic, model checking and logic-based verification, 
nonmonotonic reasoning, SAT solving, automated induction, satisfiability 
modulo theories, specification, extraction and transformation of 
programs, verification and logical methods for program analysis.

The workshops will take place on August 25-26 at Stockholm University. 
They will be relatively independent in terms of organisation and format 
from the main conference, with separate program committees, submission 
and selection policy, calls for submissions, possible proceedings etc. 
These matters will be up to the organisers of the individual workshops. 
The organisers of CSL’2017 will take care of the registration and local 
arrangements, and of the overall coordination of the workshops. The 
workshop fees will be minimal, only covering the most essential 
expenses. CSL’2017 participants will be offered significantly reduced 
registration fees for the satellite workshops.

All accepted workshops/tutorials will be expected to have their program 
ready by mid July 2017.

Proposals for workshops/tutorials should include the following items of 

     - name and contact details of the organiser(s),
     - title and brief (up to 1 page) scientific description of the 
workshop, incl. info on recent previous editions (if applicable),
     - brief outline of the policy on PC, submissions and selection, 
talks format, etc. relevant organisational info,
     - preferred duration (between half-day and two days),
     - estimated number of attendees.

The proposals should be submitted by email to 
csl2017”at”philosophy.su.se *not later than* November 15, 2016. 
Notification on acceptance will be sent by November 25, 2016. The 
selection will be made by the programme, organising and workshop chairs 
of CSL’2017. With any enquiries, please send an email to the above email 

CSL’2017 chairs: Mads Dam and Valentin Goranko (PC and OC), Erik 
Palmgren (OC), Dilian Gurov (workshops).

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