Call for Workshop Papers: SASO 2017 - IEEE International Conference on Self-Adaptive and Self-Organizing Systems, September 18-22, Tucson, Arizona

David Sanderson David.Sanderson at
Mo Jul 3 11:24:08 CEST 2017

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The Eleventh IEEE International Conference on Self-Adaptive and Self-Organizing Systems (SASO 2017) 

University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ; 18-22 September 2017

Workshops at SASO 2017:
- SASO^ST: 5th International Workshop on Self-Adaptive and Self-Organising Socio-Technical Systems
- QA4SASO: 4th IEEE Workshop on Quality Assurance for Self-adaptive, Self-organising Systems
- ECAS: 2nd eCAS Workshop on Engineering Collective Adaptive Systems
- DSS: 3rd International Workshop on Data-driven Self-regulating Systems
- InSeCo: International Workshop on Industrial Self-Coordination
- SISSY: International Workshop on Self-Improving System Integration

5th International Workshop on Self-Adaptive and Self-Organising Socio-Technical Systems (SASO^ST)

Submission deadline: July 7, 2017

* Jean Botev, University of Luxembourg, Luxembourg
* Markus Esch, University of Applied Sciences Saarbrücken (htw saar), Germany
* Ingo Scholtes, ETH Zürich, Switzerland

The design and operation of computer systems has traditionally been driven by technical aspects and considerations. However, the usage characteristics of information and communication systems are both implicitly and explicitly determined by social interaction and the social graph of users. This aspect is becoming more and more evident with the increasing popularity of social network applications on the internet. This workshop will address all social aspects that influence the design of technical systems, covering different perspectives of this exciting research area from the computational modelling of social systems to socio-inspired design strategies for distributed algorithms, collaboration platforms and communication protocols.


4th IEEE Workshop on Quality Assurance for Self-adaptive, Self-organising Systems (QA4SASO)

Submission deadline: July 7, 2017

* Benedikt Eberhardinger, University of Augsburg, Germany
* Franz Wotawa, Technical University Graz, Austria
* Hella Seebach, University of Augsburg, Germany

Developing self-adaptive, self-organising systems (SASO) that fulfil the requirements of different stakeholders is no simple matter. Quality assurance is required at each phase of the entire development process, starting from requirements elicitation, system architecture design, agent design, and finally in the implementation of the system. The quality of the artefacts from each development phase affects the rest of the system, since all parts are closely related to each other. Furthermore, the shift of adaptation decisions from design-time to run-time - necessitated by the need of the systems to adapt to changing circumstances - makes it difficult, but even more essential, to assure high quality standards in these kind of systems. Accordingly, the analysis and evaluation of these self-* systems has to take into account the specific operational context to achieve high quality standards.

The necessity to investigate this field has already been recognized and addressed in different communities but there exists so far no platform to bring all these communities together. Therefore, the workshop provides within its third edition an established open stage for discussions about the different aspects of quality assurance for self-adaptive, self-organising systems. 


2nd eCAS Workshop on Engineering Collective Adaptive Systems (ECAS)

Submission deadline: July 3, 2017

* Antonio Bucchiarone, Fondazione Bruno Kessler, Trento, Italy
* Kyle Usbeck, Raytheon BBN Technologies, USA

Modern software systems are becoming more and more collective, composed of many distributed and heterogeneous entities. These systems operate under continuous perturbations making manual adjustments infeasible. For a collective system to be resilient, adaptation must be collective, that is multiple entities must adapt in a way that addresses critical runtime conditions while preserving the benefits of the collaborative interdependencies. Decision-making in such systems is distributed and possibly highly dispersed, and interaction between the entities may lead to the emergence of unexpected phenomena. In such systems, a new approach for adaptation is needed to allow (i) multiple entities to collectively adapt with (ii) negotiations to decide which collective changes are best. Collective adaptation also raises a second important challenge: which parts of the system (things, services, people) should be engaged in an adaptation? This is not trivial, since multiple solutions to the same problem may be generated at different levels. The challenge here is to understand these levels and create mechanisms to decide the right scope for an adaptation for a given problem. This workshop solicits papers that address new methodologies, theories and principles that can be used in order to develop a better understanding of the fundamental factors underpinning the operation of such systems, so that we can better design, build, and analyze them, as well as case studies and applications showing such approaches in action Interdisciplinary work is particularly welcomed.


3rd International Workshop on Data-driven Self-regulating Systems (DSS)

Submission deadline: July 17, 2017

* Evangelos Pournaras - ETH Zurich, Switzerland
* Akshay Uttama Nambi S.N. - Microsoft Research Lab India
* Stefan Bosse - University of Bremen, Germany

 The emergence of pervasive and ubiquitous technologies together with social media has resulted in unprecedented opportunities to reason about the complexity of our society based on magnitudes of data. Embedded ICT technologies mandate the functionality and operations of several techno-socio-economic systems such as traffic systems, transportation systems, Smart Grids, power/gas/water networks, etc. It is estimated that over 50 billion connected smart devices will be online by the year 2020. Moreover, social media provide invaluable insights about the complexity of social interactions and how these interactions influence the sustainability of several ICT-enabled techno-socio-economic systems. These observations show that regulating online the complex systems of our nowadays digital society is a grand challenge. Regulation concerns trade-offs such as the alignment of technical requirements, e.g. robustness, fault-tolerance, safety and security, with social or environmental requirements, for instance, fairness in the utilization of energy resources. The scale of nowadays data cannot tackle the challenge by itself as data may convey ungrounded correlations and biased predictions. Smart, autonomic and self- regulating mechanisms are required for filtering data streams in real-time and transform them to valuable information based on which intelligent adaptive decisions can be made in a decentralized fashion under a plethora of operational scenarios.

The aim of the 3rd International Workshop on Data-driven Self-regulating Systems is to foster interactions between researchers of different disciplines working on challenges about the self- organization and self-adaptation of complex techno-socio-economic systems.


International Workshop on Industrial Self-Coordination (InSeCo)

Submission deadline: July 7, 2017

* David Sanderson - University of Nottingham, United Kingdom
* Mariusz Nowostawski - Norwegian University of Technology, Norway

Smart manufacturing, Industry 4.0, Industrial IoT and smart supply chain management systems are some of the core trends that are reshaping the way manufacturing and businesses operate. These technological developments have the potential to significantly improve automation and information exchange in manufacturing. At the same time, researchers and business practitioners are investigating modular structured smart factories to monitor physical processes and to make decentralised decisions. Smart, Industrial Internet of Things systems provide data, for data-driven self-organizing cyber-physical systems, that communicate and cooperate with each other and with humans in real time. The Internet of Services, in both, internal and cross-organizational services are offered and used by participants of the value chain. At the same time, technologies such as those offered by the Distributed Ledger technologies, Smart Contracts and the blockchain concept provide mechanisms for coordination and trust without the need for Trusted Third Parties. In this workshop we combine broader concepts related to value chains, supply management and manufacturing, with the focus on the blockchain and other emerging technologies for decentralised coordination in the cyber-physical realm. 


Fourth International Workshop on Self-Improving System Integration (SISSY)

Submission deadline: July 7, 2017

* Kirstie Bellman - The Aerospace Corporation,  USA
* Sven Tomforde - Universität Kassel, Intelligent Embedded Systems Group, Germany
Rolf P. Würtz - Ruhr-Universität Bochum, Institute for Neural Computation, Germany

Information and communication technology (ICT) pervades every aspect of our daily lives. This inclusion changes our communities and all of our human interactions. It also presents a significant set of challenges in correctly designing and integrating our resulting technical systems. For instance, the embedding of ICT functionality in more and more devices (such as household appliances or thermostats) leads to novel interconnections and a changing structure of the overall system. Not only technical systems are increasingly coupled, a variety of previously isolated natural and human systems have consolidated into a kind of overall system of systems - an interwoven system structure.

This change of structure is fundamental and affects the whole production cycle of technical systems - standard system integration and testing is not feasible any more. The increasingly complex challenges of developing the right type of modelling, analysis, and infrastructure for designing and maintaining ICT infrastructures has continued to motivate the self-organising, autonomic and organic computing systems community.

In this workshop, we intend to study novel approaches to system of system integration and testing by applying self-* principles; specifically we want approaches that allow for a continual process of self-integration among components and systems that is self-improving and evolving over time towards an optimised and stable solution.

Although research in self-organising systems - such as the Organic Computing (OC) and Autonomic Computing (AC) initiatives - has seen an exciting decade of development, in which there has been considerable success in building individual systems, OC/AC is faced with the difficult challenge of integrating multiple self-organising systems, and integrating self-organising systems with traditionally engineered ones as well as naturally occurring human organisations. Meanwhile, although there has been important development in system of systems methodologies (e.g., Service-oriented Architectures, clouds technology etc.), many of these developments lack scalable methods for rapidly proving that new configurations of components/subsystems are correctly used or their changes verified or that these frameworks have pulled together the best possible context-sensitive configuration of resources for a user or another system.

The SISSY workshop continues the successful predecessors held at IEEE International Conference on Self-Adaptive and Self-Organising Systems (SASO14) 2014 in London, UK, IEEE/ACM International Conference on Autonomic Computing (ICAC15) 2015 in Grenobles, France, and at IEEE/ACM International Conference on Autonomic Computing (ICAC16) 2016 in Würzburg, Germany. The workshop intends to focus on the important work of applying self-X principles to the integration of "Interwoven Systems" (where an "Interwoven System" is a system cutting across several technical domains, combining traditionally engineered systems, systems making use of self-X properties and methods, and human systems). The goal of the workshop is to identify key challenges involved in creating self-integrating systems and consider methods to achieve continuous self-improvement for this integration process. The workshop specifically targets an interdisciplinary community of researchers (i.e. from systems engineering, complex adaptive systems, socio-technical systems, and the OC/AC domains) in the hope that collective expertise from a range of domains can be leveraged to drive forward research in the area. 


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