2nd CfP SHAPES 4.0 @ JOWO 2017

Stefano Borgo stefano.borgo at cnr.it
Mi Jun 28 19:06:27 CEST 2017


September 21-23, Bolzano, Italy


Submission deadline: July 17


Shape, Form, and Structure are some of the most elusive notions and are 
pervasive in diverse disciplines from humanities (like literature 
studies, art history) to sciences (chemistry, biology, physics) and 
within these from the formal (mathematics, logic) to the empirical 
disciplines (engineering, cognitive science, architecture, environmental 
planning, design). Within domains such as computer science and 
artificial intelligence research, these notions are understood by mixing 
their common-sense meanings (e.g. to make sense of everyday perception 
and communication) and ad hoc technical specifications. Even in the 
different declinations of design the conception and sense of these 
notions change considerably.
Several approaches have been proposed within the aforementioned 
disciplines to study the very notions of shape, form and structure from 
different viewpoints, yet a comprehensive treatment of these notions is 
lacking and no interdisciplinary perspective has emerged.

Special focus of 2017: Patterns of Interaction

In these years, due to the popularity of the multi-agent approaches, the 
explosion of research and application in robotics, the cyber-physical 
and Internet of Things views, as well as social turns in geography and 
cultural heritage, there is a rising interest in interaction and its 
forms. The understanding of the term interaction is challenging due to 
the different types of entities it might involve and to the many 
contexts where it may occur. Conceived quantitatively or qualitatively, 
interaction can be located among agents and systems, among societies and 
cultures, among languages and stimuli, among views and interpretations. 
It puts an emphasis on such diverse aspects like emergence on the one 
hand and repetition on the other. Furthermore, it suggests a conception 
of form which is intrinsically dynamic, linked with temporality and, of 
course, action. This time-based notion of shape/form/structure demands 
not only an analysis of spatial configurations, but of spatio-temporal 
occurrences. As interactions of colors make clear  (e.g. see the studies 
of Josef Albers), these occurrences may not always be literal sequences, 
they can happen simultaneously, but there must be time and space for 
something to take place. From here, we can start asking: Which shapes do 
patterns of interaction have? Are patterns themselves static or dynamic? 
What does that mean? Are these meta-level shapes easier to formulate or 
formalize? Which patterns of (social) interaction are desirable? How to 
use them for play, planning, storytelling, collaboration and other 
creative purposes?


The Shapes workshop series is an interdisciplinary platform for the 
discussion of all topics connected to shape (broadly understood). We 
seek to facilitate an interdisciplinary discussion between researchers, 
practitioners and artists from all disciplines interested in 
representing shape, form and structure, and reasoning about them. This 
includes formal, cognitive, linguistic, engineering, philosophical and 
artistic aspects of space and vision as well as their application in the 
sciences and in the arts.

SHAPES 4.0 solicits contributions in the form of

a) extended abstracts of 4 to 6 pages (bibliography included)
b) pieces of art (music, video, sculpture, scale models/images as well 
as documentations of these formats) together with about 2 to 3 pages 
textual description of the work. Contact the organizers at 
shapes.workshop at gmail.com if you need specific instructions.

Important dates

- July 17, 2017 - Submission of contributions (abstracts, pieces of art 
- Aug 25, 2017 - Acceptance/rejection notification
- Sept 15, 2017 - Camera ready submission
- Sept 21-23, 2017 - SHAPES 4.0 workshop (the precise date will be fixed 

Submission details:

Papers should be formatted following the IOS Press template. For those 
interested in having their work published in the proceedings, 
submissions must not be previously published or be under review at 
another venue.


Accepted papers will be published open-access in the joint JOWO 
proceedings. Please visit the workshop webpage 
http://shapes.inf.unibz.it for more information.

Submission is via the Easychair submission system. To submit your paper, 
go to


And select the track "SHAPES 4.0 - The Shape of Things"

Previous JOWO Proceedings can be found here:

http://ceur-ws.org/Vol-1517/  for JOWO 2015,

http://ceur-ws.org/Vol-1660/  for JOWO 2016.

and previous SHAPES proceedings here:

SHAPES 3.0: http://ceur-ws.org/Vol-1616/

SHAPES 2.0: http://ceur-ws.org/Vol-1007/

SHAPES 1.0: http://ceur-ws.org/Vol-812/


Rossella Stufano Melone (Politecnico di Bari, Italy)
Inge Hinterwaldner (Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Germany)
Stefano Borgo (Laboratory for Applied Ontology, ISTC-CNR, Trento, Italy)
Kris Krois (Free University of Bolzano-Bozen, Italy)
Oliver Kutz (Free University of Bolzano-Bozen, Italy)


shapes.workshop at gmail.com

Previous editions

SHAPES 3.0 http://www.shapes-research.org/
SHAPES 2.0 http://cindy.informatik.uni-bremen.de/cosy/events/shapes2/
SHAPES 1.0 http://cindy.informatik.uni-bremen.de/cosy/events/shapes/

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