[AAMAS 2018] Doctoral Consortium
Jordi Sabater-Mir
jsabater at iiia.csic.es
Do Nov 23 10:53:33 CET 2017
AAMAS 2018 - Doctoral Consortium
Important Dates
Submission due: 18th February 2018
Doctoral Mentoring Program: 10th July 2018
The AAMAS 2018 doctoral mentoring program is intended for Ph.D. students in
advanced stages of their research. This program will provide an opportunity for
students to interact closely with established researchers in their fields, to
receive feedback on their work and to get advice on managing their careers.
Specifically, the goals of the program are:
To match each student with an established researcher in the community who will
act as a mentor. The mentor will interact closely with the student, provide
feedback on research, and help the student form new contacts.
To allow students an opportunity to present their work to a friendly audience of
other students as well as mentors.
To provide students with new contacts and professional networking opportunities.
The doctoral mentoring program will consist of a one day doctoral symposium and
the opportunity for interaction between mentors and their mentees during the
Submission Requirements
We encourage submissions from Ph.D. students at advanced stages of their
research within the Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems field. Each
submission package should include the following items:
- An extended abstract of the Ph.D. thesis (2-pages in the AAMAS paper submission
- A short text or table that includes the following items:
* affiliation (institute, etc.)
* area of study (3-5 keywords) or title of thesis (if already decided)
* name and contact data of supervisor
* year when the Ph.D. started
* expected time until submission of Ph.D. thesis
* a list with names of suggested mentors (at least 3)
* a list of your favorite papers in the area (3-5 papers)
* a list of own papers (max. 3 papers)
* whether you have participated in the AAMAS doctoral mentoring program before
* A short resume (2-pages) that includes:
* citizenship and gender
* what you expect from the doctoral consortium
* what you expect from participating in the AAMAS conference
* A recommendation letter from the advisor (max. 1 page), sent separately by
the advisor her/himself to both chairs (see addresses below).
Based on the submissions, the organizing committee will select a group of students
that will be invited to participate in the program. Participants will be expected
to take active part in all doctoral mentoring program activities.
Submission Details:
Those interested in participating in the doctoral mentoring program should submit
the required document, in one single PDF, to
For questions, please contact the doctoral mentoring co-chairs:
Ana Lucia C. Bazzan
Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil
Email adress: bazzan at inf.ufrgs.br
Birgit Lugrin
University of Wuerzburg, Germany
Email adress: birgit.lugrin at uni-wuerzburg.de
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