[CFP] ILP 2018 - Journal and Conference Track

Riccardo Zese riccardo.zese at unife.it
Di Nov 28 14:52:03 CET 2017

Apologize for multiple posting.

ILP 2018 Joint Call for Papers

September 2nd - 4th, Ferrara, Italy


In addition to the usual conference track, this year ILP offers a Journal Track.

We are delighted to introduce a Journal Track whose accepted papers
will be published in the Machine Learning Journal Special Issue on
Inductive Logic Programming - ILP 2017 and 2018, collecting the best
papers coming from ILP 2017 and ILP 2018.

Papers for the Special Issue are solicited in all areas of learning in
logic, multi-relational data mining, statistical relational learning,
learning in other (non-propositional) logic-based knowledge
representation frameworks, exploring intersections to ILP and other
machine learning approaches are invited. However, given the special
nature of the journal track, only papers that satisfy the quality
criteria of journal papers and at the same time lend themselves to
conference talks will be considered.

The journal track allows continuous submissions from October 2017 to
the beginning of February 2018. Papers will be processed and sent out
for review after each of the following three cutoff dates:

* 17th November 2017
* 29th December 2017
* 5th February 2018

The deadline on each of these dates is midnight, Central European Time.

Papers rejected at this track are welcome to the conference track.

Additional information about the submission guidelines is available at

The conference also includes the traditional conference track that
will open later in the year.
Please consult the call for papers web page
(http://ilp2018.unife.it/call-for-papers/) for up to date information.

* ACAI 2018 - Summer School on Statistical Relational Artificial
Intelligence: http://acai2018.unife.it/
* PLP 2018 - The 5th International Workshop on Probabilistic Logic
Programming: http://stoics.org.uk/plp/plp2018/

Fabrizio Riguzzi, University of Ferrara, Italy

Elena Bellodi, University of Ferrara, Italy
Riccardo Zese, University of Ferrara, Italy

Riccardo Zese, PhD
DE - Dipartimento di Ingegneria
Università di Ferrara
Via Saragat 1, I-44122,  Ferrara,  Italy
Tel. +39 0532974827

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