[post-doc] position open in Visual SLAM

Wang Han (Assoc Prof) HW at ntu.edu.sg
Mo Dez 3 10:19:02 CET 2018

The Nanyang Technological University, Singapore invites applications for one postdoctoral research fellow position to participate in the development of  autonomous vehicle driving using vision and AI.

Applicants for the postdoc research fellow position should hold a Ph.D degree in one or more of the following areas:

1)      Navigation

2)      SLAM

3)      Vision

4)      AI

The applications should have a track record of competitive research experience in terms of journal publications and have a good command of English and are able to communicate well.

Application Procedure:

Suitably qualified candidates are invited to submit a CV, cover letter initially. Short-listed candidates will be notified for submission of full application packages. Electronic submission of application is encouraged and can be sent to:

Dr. Wang Han, Associate Professor
School of EEE, S2
Nanyang Technological University, Singapore 639798
E-Mail: hw at ntu.edu.sg<mailto:hw at ntu.edu.sg>
Tel.: (65) 6790-4506
Fax: (65) 6792-0415

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