PhD position in theoretical computer science at the University of Kassel, Germany

Martin Lange martin.lange at
Mo Okt 22 08:57:17 CEST 2018

The research group "Theoretical Computer Science / Formal Methods" at the
School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science of the University of
Kassel, Germany, is offering a funded full-time position for a prospective
PhD student.

A starting date no earlier than end of November is negotiable. The appointment
is expected to be for up to 5 years in total. The position is paid according
to pay scale TV-H EG13.

Applicants must have an MSc / diploma in computer science, mathematics,
or related areas, or should be very close to completion thereof. They
should have a good background in theoretical computer science, with strong
interest in formal logic, formal methods, program verification, synthesis,

The position comes with teaching duties of 4h/week, typically fulfilled by
giving tutorials in courses in theoretical computer science at both the BSc
and MSc level. Tutorials for undergraduates will have to be given in German.
The successful candidate should therefore acquire sufficient language skills
in short time.

Further information about the research group is available here:

For informal enquiries please contact Martin Lange via
<first name>.<last name> or +49/0 561 8046261.

Applications must be directed to the HR department of the University of Kassel,
for instance viabewerbungen at  <>  .
They should contain a CV and names of 1-2 references, and must state the
reference number 31765 for this announcement.

Deadline for applications is November, 7th, 2018. The official announcement
for this position is available here (in German):

Prof. Dr. Martin Lange
Elect. Engineering & Comp. Science    martin.lange at
University of Kassel, Germany                 +49/0 561 804 6261

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