[Event at CIG] Post-doc position

HAMRI amine.hamri at lis-lab.fr
Tue Sep 21 15:52:40 CEST 2021

Dear all,
due to a repulication of the following post-doc, applications are still 
open. Please, forward the job offer around you.

Best regards,
Amine Hamri

Post-doc : Developping of a simulation model of the traffic on 
electrical vehicles

Duration : 12 months
Basic salary: ~2000€ /month ; can evolve according to professional 

Context :
This research is carried out under the MASSAL'IA chair in artificial 
intelligence. This chair, headed by Prof. Chu-Min Li, brings together 
several teacher-researchers from the COALA and MOFED teams of the LIS 
UMR 7020 laboratory. ENEDIS industrialists also will take part in it.

The MASSAL'IA Chair has three scientific components: (1) the 
representation of incomplete data and the prediction of road traffic by 
Bayesian networks; (2) the modelling and simulation of road traffic; and 
(3) the optimisation of electrical charging station installations by 

Goals :
The main goal is to develop a simulation model of road trafic on 
electrical vehicles in order to validate the chosen solutions for the 
installation of electric terminals. This model will be essentially based 
on discrete event modelling and simulation techniques. For its 
simplicity, its modularity and its expressive power to describe dynamic 
systems, the DEVS (Discrete Event System specification) formalism is 
priviligized, thus offering an ideal framework for modelling and 
simulating such a traffic.
However, two major difficulties emerge following this modeling: (1) the 
introduction of incomplete data to the simulation causing a major 
obstacle to its execution and to the validation of the obtained results; 
and (2) the definition of metrics for the evaluation of the executed 
simulations and consequently the choices of installation of electrical 
Obviously, the simulation model to be developed must be extensible and 
open to modifications that may occur later (experimenting with new 
travel behaviors, taking into account the weather, etc.).

(1) Conducting a study on the state of the art of the discrete event 
modeling and simulation on the road traffic.
(2) Developping a library of components allowing the description and 
evaluation of the road trafic.
(3) Coupling the constructed library with other ones and tools useful 
for developping the simulation model.
(4) Designing the simulation model, presenting and formatting the 

Applicant profile:
holds a PhD in computer science

Applicant ability :
independance, rigour and team work

1- detailled curriculum vitae, and
2- motivation letter.

Contacts :
  Amine Hamri, email : amine.hamri at lis-lab.fr
  Djamal Habet, email : djamal.habet at lis-lab.fr
  Chu  Min Li, email :  chu-min.li at u-picardie.fr

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