[Event at CIG] [IEEE/ACM/ASA DSAA 2023]: 10th international conference on data science and advanced analytics (DSAA 2023) (Ranked A: CORE)- (Submission Deadline: May 2rd, 2023)

Salma Sassi sassisalma at yahoo.fr
Tue Feb 14 20:58:57 CET 2023

09-13 October 2023 
Thessaloniki, Greece

Important Dates
* Paper Submission: May 2, 2023
* Paper Notification: July 10, 2023
* Paper Camera-Ready: August 7, 2023

Highlights of DSAA'2023
* Strong Research track and Applications track.
* Student Poster and Industry Poster sessions with lightning results highlighting student’s 
  research advances and industry’s best practices.
* One-day Industry Day with Data Science School for business.
* Special sessions on the foundations and emerging areas for data science.
* Special panel on the trends and controversies of data science and analytics.
* A strong interdisciplinary research program spanning the areas of data science, including 
  statistics, machine learning, computing, and analytics.
* Strong cross-domain interactions among researchers and industry and government policy-makers 
  and practitioners.
* Industry and research exhibits.
* Technically sponsored and supported by IEEE CIS, ACM SIGKDD and ASA, proceedings by IEEE 
  Xplore and EI indexed.

About DSAA'2023
The 10th IEEE International Conference on Data Science and Advanced Analytics (DSAA) 
features its strong interdisciplinary synergy between statistics (via ASA), computing and 
information/intelligence sciences (via IEEE and ACM), and cross-domain interactions between 
academia and business for data science and analytics. DSAA sets up a high standard for its 
organizing committee, keynote speeches, submissions to main conference and special sessions, 
and a competitive rate for paper acceptance. DSAA has been widely recognized as a dedicated 
flagship annual meeting in data science and analytics such as by the Google Metrics and China 
Computer Foundation. DSAA’2023 provides a premier forum that brings together researchers, 
industry and government practitioners, as well as developers and users of big data solutions 
for the exchange of the latest theoretical developments in Data Science and the best practice 
for a wide range of applications. DSAA’2023 invites submissions of papers describing innovative 
research on all aspects of data science and advanced analytics as well as application-oriented 
papers that make significant, original, and reproducible contributions to improving the practice 
of data science and analytics in real-world scenarios.

Research Track
The Research Track solicits the latest, original and significant contributions related to 
foundations and theoretical developments of Data Science and Advanced Analytics. Topics of 
interest include but are not limited to:

* Data science foundations and theories
* Mathematics and statistics for data science and analytics
* Understanding data characteristics and complexities
* Machine/deep/statistical learning-based algorithms
* Advanced analytics and knowledge discovery methods
* Computer vision and pattern recognition
* Optimization theories and methods
* Large-scale databases, big-data processing, distributed processing, and ethical analytics
* Model explainability and provenance
* Theories and methods for evaluation, explanation, visualization, and presentation
* Survey and review

DSAA’2023 will take place at the Grand Hotel Palace in Thessaloniki, Greece, the largest 5-star 
conference hotel in Thessaloniki. It is located at a central point at the entrance of the city and 
has a total capacity of 258 rooms and suites in modern or classic style distributed on the six 
floors of the neoclassical building of unique architecture. Grand Hotel Palace is the biggest 
Conference Hotel in Thessaloniki with 13 elegant and multi-purpose conference halls & meeting 
rooms. The mission of the people of Grand Hotel Palace is to offer high aesthetic hospitality in 
a luxurious and comfortable environment. Learning more about the conference venue on the 
Conference Venue page of the DSAA 2023 website.

Paper Submission
All papers should be submitted electronically via EasyChair (under the “Research” Track).

The length of each paper submitted to the Research tracks should be no more than ten (10) 
pages and should be formatted following the standard 2-column U.S. letter style of IEEE 
Conference template. For further information and instructions, see the IEEE Proceedings Author 

All submissions will be blind reviewed by the Program Committee on the basis of technical quality
, relevance to the conference’s topics of interest, originality, significance, and clarity. Author 
names and affiliations must not appear in the submissions, and bibliographic references must be 
adjusted to preserve author anonymity. Submissions failing to comply with paper formatting and 
authors anonymity will be rejected without reviews.

Because of the double-blind review process, non-anonymous papers that have been issued as 
technical reports or similar cannot be considered for DSAA’2023. An exception to this rule applies 
to arXiv papers that were published in arXiv at least a month prior to DSAA’2023 submission 
deadline. Authors can submit these arXiv papers to DSAA provided that the submitted paper’s title 
and abstract are different from the one appearing in arXiv.

Proceedings and Indexing
All accepted poster papers will be published by IEEE in the DSAA main conference proceedings 
under the Industry and Student Poster schemes. All accepted poster papers will be submitted for 
inclusion in the IEEE Xplore Digital Library. The conference proceedings will be submitted for EI 
indexing through INSPEC by IEEE.

Important Policies
1. Reproducibility & supplementary: The advancement of data science depends heavily on 
reproducibility. We strongly recommend that the authors release their code and data to the public. 
Authors can provide an optional two (2) page supplement at the end of their submitted paper (it 
needs to be in the same PDF file and start at page 3). This supplement can only be used to include 
(i) information necessary for reproducing the experimental results reported in the paper (e.g., various 
algorithmic and model parameters and configurations, hyper-parameter search spaces, details 
related to dataset filtering and train/test splits, software versions, detailed hardware configuration, 
etc.), and (ii) any data, pseudo-code and proofs that due to space limitations, could not be included 
in the main manuscript.

2. Authorship: The list of authors at the time of submission is final and cannot be changed.

3. Dual submissions: DSAA is an archival publication venue as such submissions that have been 
previously published, accepted, or are currently under-review at peer-review publication venues (i.e., 
journals, conferences, workshops with published proceedings, etc.) are not permitted. DSAA has a 
strict no dual submission policy.

4. Conflicts of interest (COI): COIs must be declared at the time of submission. COIs include 
employment at the same institution at the time of submission or in the past three years, collaborations 
during the past three years, advisor/advisee relationships, plus family and close friends. Program 
chairs and Industry Poster chairs are not allowed to submit papers to the Industry Poster track.

5. Attendance: At least one author of each accepted poster paper must register in full and attend the 
conference to present the poster. No-show posters will be removed from the IEEE Xplore proceedings.

General enquiries about Research Track paper submissions should be submitted to Research Track Chairs:
Timos Sellis, Archimedes/Athens RC, Greece (timos at athenarc dot gr)
Guoliang Li, Tsinghua University, China (liguoliang at Tsinghua dot edu dot cn)

Salma SASSI, Ph.D. in Computer Science
Associate Professor in Computer Science
Researcher at OpenCEMS Industrial Chair, France
LIUPPA Laboratory
Université de Pau et des Pays de l'Adour (UPPA)
IUT de Bayonne
2 Allée du Parc de Montaury
Campus Montaury/Anglet
64600 Anglet

Email: sassisalma at yahoo.fr, salma.sassi at fsjegj.rnu.tn
Home Page: https://sites.google.com/view/salma-sassi/home
OpenCEMS: https://opencems.sigappfr.org
Spider Team: https://spider.sigappfr.org


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