[Event at CIG] Announcement and CfP, Conference on Intelligent Computer Mathematics (CICM), 6-11 october 2025, Brasilia, Brazil

Serge Autexier serge.autexier at dfki.de
Mon Dec 9 09:58:03 CET 2024


           CICM 2025 First Announcement and Call for Papers                     
         18th Conference on Intelligent Computer Mathematics
                              - CICM 2025 -
                           October 6–11, 2025
                            Brasilia, Brazil


More  and  more  mathematical  information is  digitally  processed,  generated,
communicated,  stored,  and curated.  CICM  brings  together the  many  separate
communities  that  have  developed   theoretical  and  practical  solutions  for
mathematical applications such as  computation, deduction, knowledge management,
and user interfaces. It offers a  venue for discussing problems and solutions in
each  of these  areas  and  their integration.  Besides  the  CICM main  program
soliciting  formal CICM  submissions  there will  be  associated workshops  with
separate submission options.

We  are  inviting formal  submissions  on  all  topics relating  to  intelligent
computer mathematics, in particular, but not limited to

* theorem proving and computer algebra
* mathematical knowledge management
* digital mathematical libraries

The program committee is chaired by Valeria de Paiva, Berkeley and Peter Koepke,

*** Formal Paper Submissions ***

Formal  submissions  in  one  of  the  following  categories  will  be  reviewed
rigorously and accepted papers will be published in a volume of Springer LNAI:

   * regular papers (up to 15 pages + bibliography) present novel
     research results
   * project and survey papers (up to 15 pages + bibliography)
     summarize existing results
   * system and dataset descriptions (4 to 5 pages + bibliography)
     present digital artifacts

*** Important Dates ***

 Formal submissions
  - Abstract deadline:              April 28, 2025
  - Full paper deadline:            May, 2025
  - Reviews sent to authors:        June 16, 2025
  - Rebuttals due:                  June 20, 2025
  - Notification of acceptance:     July 4, 2025
  - Camera-ready copies due:        July 18, 2025
  - Conference:                     October 6-11, 2025

*** Submissions ***   

All submissions should be made via EasyChair at


using the Springer LNCS style files


If software or data  is relevant to a paper, a link that  provides access to the
software/data must be provided to enable reproduction of results.

*** Best Papers ***

CICM 2025 honors the  best paper and best student paper  with respect to reviews
and program committee discussions with an award.


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