AAMAS-09 Final Call for Demonstrations

Simon Miles simon.miles at kcl.ac.uk
Mo Jan 5 13:52:23 CET 2009

(apologies if you receive multiple copies of this call)

 Eighth International Joint Conference on
              (AAMAS 2009)

        Call for Demonstrations

AAMAS 2009 will include a demonstration session. Demonstration
submissions are be invited for four different categories:

A best demo award will be chosen separately for each category. A price
of 1000 Euro is provided for the winner in the category "student
projects."  The award selection will be done in consultation by the
advisory board and the exhibits and demo co-chairs.

Demonstrators are expected to present a live interactive demo at
assigned time slots during the conference. Developers of software or
robotic system based on autonomous agents or multi-agent techniques,
especially those showing novel technology, are welcome to submit a
demo. Examples of demos include but are not limited to:
 * Multi-agent software systems
 * Industrial and military applications (including prototypes)
 * Agent-based games
 * Agent platforms and development environments
 * Open-source software tools
 * Robotic systems (single and multi-agent)
 * Virtual agents and interactive virtual environments
 * Simulation environments

The demonstration sessions will be held as part of the AAMAS main
conference. The goal of the AAMAS demonstrations is to give
participants, from industry and academia an opportunity to present
their latest developments on software and/or robotic system. In
addition, we strongly encourage students to submit valuable demos
resulting from their projects or thesis work.

Submissions accepted for the demonstration session will be advertised
on the AAMAS website and in the conference booklet, which will contain
abstracts of all available demos. Each demo submission should consist
of three parts:

 1. A 2-page paper in which the authors describe the system to be
demonstrated. The paper should describe the application
domain/problem/scenario, the technology used, the agent/multi-agent
techniques involved, the innovations of the system, its live and
interactive aspects, etc. Papers have to be prepared in PDF format
using the AAMAS style (follow the instructions at

 2. A demonstration movie (youtube compatible) that clearly shows the
purpose and use of the demo. Alternatively, the authors can submit a
scenario that consists of a series of snapshots of the demo annotated
with an explanation.

 3. Only for student projects: 1 page statement in which the student
clearly describes his personal contribution to the project. The
content of the statement must be confirmed by the student's
supervisor. Submissions of student projects will only be considered
from authors who are regular students at the time of the demo
presentation during AAMAS.

 4. Additional information in a plain text file including the
following information:
   - Demonstration title
   - Authors (name, affiliation, email, address, phone fax)
   - The corresponding author with her/his email address
   - Abstract (max. 150 words)
   - Keywords
   - URL (if available)
   - Paper ID if the demo is related to a paper at the main conference
   - Equipment you will bring (e.g., laptop, robot)
   - Equipment you will need (e.g., table, poster board, power sockets)
   - Special requirements (e.g., space for robot and if so how much,
video projector)
   - A discussion of the present state of your demo (e.g., ready to
demonstrate now, but if not, include a realistic estimate for
conclusion and what remains to be done before you have a demonstrable
software/robotic system).
   - The category of the submission

Accepted demos will have the 2-page papers included in the AAMAS proceedings.


All demonstration proposals should be send to demos at aamas09.org
Submissions are open from October 27, 2009
Submission Deadline: January 12, 2009, 23:59 UTC

Selection Process

The submission and selection processes for the AAMAS 2009 demos will
be separate from that of the main conference. Each submission will be
assessed by the demo co-chairs and at least one member of the advisory
board. The authors will receive a brief report with the result of the
evaluation with the notification.

The main evaluation criteria are:

 * Relevance to AAMAS
 * Quality and soundness of the underlying technology
 * Novelty of the application domain
 * Maturity of the (deployed) system
 * Potential for public interaction

Notification of acceptance or rejection of submitted demos will be
sent to the corresponding author by January 30, 2009. At least one
author of each accepted demonstration is required to register and to
attend the conference to give the demonstration.

Important Dates

 Submission deadline: January 12, 2009.
 Notification of acceptance/rejection: January 30, 2009.
 Camera-ready paper: February 6, 2009

Contact Information

For more information, contact the demos co-chairs: demos at aamas09.org

AAMAS 2009 Advisory Board

James Odell, Independent consultant, USA
Andrea Omicini, Università di Bologna, Italy
H. Van Dyke Parunak, NewVectors LLC, Ann Arbor, USA
Juan Pavón, Universidad Complutense Madrid, Spain
Giovanni Rimassa, Whitestein Technologies
Michael Winikoff, RMIT Melbourne, Australia

AAMAS 2009 Demo & Exibits Co-Chairs

Paolo Giorgini, University of Trento, Povo (Italy)
Danny Weyns, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven (Belgium)

Dr Simon Miles
Agents and Intelligent Systems Group
Department of Computer Science
Kings College London, UK

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