CFP: IJCAI'09 Wks Intelligent Techniques for Web Personalization & Recommender Systems

Dietmar Jannach dietmar.jannach at
Di Jan 6 08:47:12 CET 2009

                             CALL FOR PAPERS 
   7th Workshop on Intelligent Techniques for Web Personalization
                         & Recommender Systems
                      In conjunction with IJCAI 2009 
                July 11-17, 2009 - Pasadena, California, USA
                    Submission Deadline:  March 6, 2009
Web Personalization can be defined as any set of actions that can tailor 
the Web experience to a particular user or set of users. The experience 
can be something as casual as browsing a Web site or as (economically) 
significant as trading stocks or purchasing a car. The actions can 
range from simply making the presentation more pleasing to anticipating 
the needs of a user and providing customized and relevant information. 
To achieve effective personalization, organizations must rely on all 
available data, including the usage and click-stream data (reflecting 
user behaviour), the site content, the site structure, domain knowledge, 
as well as user demographics and profiles. Efficient and intelligent 
techniques are needed to mine this data for actionable knowledge, and 
to effectively use the discovered knowledge to enhance the users' Web 
experience. These techniques must address important challenges emanating 
from the size of the data, the fact that they are heterogeneous and very 
personal in nature, as well as the dynamic nature of user interactions 
with the Web. These challenges include the scalability of the 
personalization solutions, data integration, and successful integration 
of techniques from machine learning, information retrieval and filtering, 
databases, agent architectures, knowledge representation, data mining, 
text mining, statistics, information security and privacy, user 
modelling and human-computer interaction.
Recommender systems represent one special and prominent class of such 
personalized Web applications, which particularly focus on the 
user-dependent filtering and selection of relevant information and – in 
an e-Commerce context - aim to support online users in the decision-making 
and buying process. Recommender Systems have been a subject of extensive 
research in AI over the last decade, but with today's increasing number 
of e-commerce environments on the Web, the demand for new approaches to 
intelligent product recommendation is higher than ever. There are more 
online users, more online channels, more vendors, more products and, 
most importantly, increasingly complex products and services. These recent 
developments in the area of recommender systems generated new demands, 
in particular with respect to interactivity, adaptivity, and user 
preference elicitation. These challenges, however, are also in the focus 
of general Web Personalization research.
In the face of this increasing overlap of the two research areas, the aim 
of this workshop is to bring together researchers and practitioners of 
both fields, to foster an exchange of information and ideas, and to 
facilitate a discussion of current and emerging topics related to 
"Web Intelligence".    
We invite original contributions in a variety of areas related to Web 
personalization and Recommender Systems, including Data Modeling and 
Integration; Systems and Architectures; Enabling Technologies; 
and Evaluation Methodologies, Metrics, and Case Studies. 
For a detailed list of topics, please see the workshop Web site:
All submissions must be sent electronically to S.S.Anand at 
The format for submissions is the same as that of IJCAI-09. 
Please check the IJCAI-09 website for the style files. 
Papers should be no longer than 12 pages inclusive of all references and 
figures. All papers must be submitted in PDF. All papers must be original, 
and must not have not been published or submitted elsewhere. At least 
one author for each accepted paper is expected to attend the workshop.
Non-archival working notes will be produced containing the papers presented 
at the workshop. Selected papers from the workshop may be considered for 
expansion and inclusion in a special issue of a journal. 
The workshop is open to all those interested in attending. 
* March 6, 2009: Deadline for electronic submission
* April 17, 2009: Author Notification
* May 8, 2009: Submission of camera-ready
* July 11-13, 2009: IJCAI-09 Workshop Program
Bamshad Mobasher, School of Computer Science, 
DePaul University, Chicago, USA 
E-mail: mobasher at 
Sarabjot Singh Anand, Department of Computer Science, 
University of Warwick, UK 
E-mail: S.S.Anand at 
Alfred Kobsa, School of Information and Computer Sciences
University of California, Irvine, USA
E-mail: kobsa at
Dietmar Jannach, Department of Computer Science
Technische Universität Dortmund, Germany
E-mail: dietmar.jannach at
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