1st CfP: 5th Int. Workshop on Modular Ontologies (WoMO 2011)

Thomas Schneider schneider at ps.uni-saarland.de
Do Nov 11 18:53:04 CET 2010

     5th Int. Workshop on Modular Ontologies (WoMO)
          Ljubljana, Slovenia, August 8-12, 2011
           held in conjunction with ESSLLI 2011

               --- First Call for Papers ---
          Submission deadline: February 15, 2011


MODULARITY, as studied for many years in software engineering, allows mechanisms for easy and flexible reuse, generalization, structuring, maintenance, design patterns, and comprehension. Applied to ontology engineering, modularity is central not only to reduce the complexity of understanding ontologies, but also to facilitate ontology maintenance and ontology reasoning.

Recent research on ontology modularity shows substantial progress in foundations of modularity, techniques of modularization and modular development, distributed reasoning and empirical evaluation. These results provide a foundation for ongoing multi-disciplinary research and development.

The workshop follows a series of successful events that have been an excellent venue for practitioners and researchers to discuss latest work and current problems, and is this time organised as a satellite workshop of ESSLLI 2011 (week 2, see http://esslli2011.ijs.si/?p=306 ), following an introductory ESSLLI course on notions of modularity in ontologies (week 1, see http://esslli2011.ijs.si/?p=310 ).

TOPICS include, but are not limited to:

- What is Modularity: Kinds of modules and their properties; modules vs. contexts; design patterns; granularity of representation;

- Logical/Foundational Studies: Conservativity and syntactic approximations for modules; modular ontology languages; reconciling inconsistencies across modules; formal structuring of modules; networks of ontologies; heterogeneity;

- Algorithmic Approaches: distributed reasoning; modularization and module extraction; (selective) sharing and re-using, linking and importing; hiding and privacy; evaluation of modularization approaches; complexity of reasoning; reasoners or implemented systems;

- Applications: Semantic Web; life sciences; bio-ontologies; natural language processing; ontologies of space and time; ambient intelligence; collaborative ontology development; etc.

The workshop is open to all members of the ESSLLI community. Workshop speakers will be required to register for the Summer School; however, they will be able to register at a reduced rate to be determined by the Local Organizers.


Paper Submission: February 15, 2011
Notification:  April 15, 2011
Camera ready: June 1, 2011
Workshop: August 8-12, 2011


The workshop welcomes submission of high quality original and previously unpublished papers.

Contributions should not exceed 13 pages in length and must be formatted according to IOS Press style (see http://www.iospress.nl/authco/instruction_crc.html ).
Contributions should be prepared in PDF format and submitted not later than February 15, 2011, through the EasyChair Submission System (see http://www.easychair.org/conferences/?conf=womo2011 ).

Submitted papers will be peer-reviewed by members of the program committee (TBA). Accepted papers may be extended up to 16 pages and are expected to be published as chapters in an IOS Press book in the series 'Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications'. 

(Find the WoMO 2010 proceedings here http://www.booksonline.iospress.nl/Content/View.aspx?piid=16268 )


Oliver Kutz (Research Center on Spatial Cognition (SFB/TR 8), Bremen, Germany)
Thomas Schneider (Saarland University, Saarbruecken, Germany)


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